Chapter 4: Slowly but Surely

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--- Present Day ---

"Say hello to everyone at home. Love you!" I said as I ended a 15 minute call with my mother.

I must say, I am home sick, I really am. It's just been a week since I got here and it's great, but man I miss my home. Things at this university are great as well. So far I have this one friend, Nikolai, who's pretty cool.

I do however, need some more friends, because one isn't gonna cut it. Anyways, me and my roomie Joshua are about to roast some hotdogs indoors. Yes indoors, because we are awesome!!

"So Josh, is Makeala (his girfriend btw) coming over tonight?" I ask, getting the hotdogs from the fridge.

"Nah, she has some family thing to be at," he responds as he sets the plates on the table.

I slouch back on the sofa and relax as he prepares the food for us. He's been proclaiming to me this past week that he is this big shot chef. I don't believe him, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt tonight, cuz I'm hungry.

The night goes by well with us stuffing our faces, barely able to get off the floor. I however get up and check the time, which is ten minutes to 12. "Damn it went by fast," I say quietly as I pass by Joshua and jump up onto my bed. I doze off, but not before receiving a sexy text message from Zachary. This damn boy trying to get me horny now.

I wake up 5 minutes before my alarm goes off, which is something I find myself doing these days. I guess it's good because I never oversleep. I get out of bed and use the toilet and then do my hygiene stuff. I then get myself some waffles while walking around in my towel.

As I'm eating I hear Joshua let out a loud snore and can't help but laugh. I clean up after myself (yes I'm a clean freak..well not really) and put on some comfortable clothes, then I head out the door towards the University lobby. I breathe in the cool air as I walk towards the lobby, where I'm suppose to meet Nikolai.

After getting to know each other a little bit, meaning after 3 days, we decided to meet there everyday and then head towards class together. I prop myself up against the wall and whip out my phone, as I wait for him to come in. My head is buried in my phone when I see a hand cover the screen.

"Get off your phone dude." he says punching me lightly on the shoulder.

"Whatever," I respond as I roll my eyes at him.

We sort of memorized our class locations so we know exactly where to go now. Upon reaching the door, he kindly opens the door for me to go in. I smile at him as I go in, until he say "Ladies first."

I pay no attention to him and we both sit in our chairs. The teacher comes in and tells us we have a small assignment to do and that we have to partner up. Nikolai and I look towards each other and grin, knowing that we already have our partners. However those grins turn to frowns when he announces that he already chose a partner for everyone.

I found out I was partnered with this chick, who looked very intimidating. She introduces herself as Dana as she sits next to me. I must say, she looks very pretty, so this partner thing might work out. I tell her mine and we start the assignment right away.

"So...Jayden you like it here?" she asks while turning on the MAC.

"'s been good so far," I answer with a smile.

"OMG your accent is so sexy." she says staring into my eyes as if she's mesmerized.

I then tell her where I origin from and that I'm new to this country, which she finds pretty cool. We continue chatting and working and I find myself constantly looking back at Nikolai to see how things are going on his end. The third time I look back, I see him looking towards me and I immediately look away. I do look back at him after a few seconds and he begins chucking and showing me a hand signal meaning it's boring over there.

I laugh then continue doing my work with Dana. The teacher looks at his watch and announces that the class is about to end. He also says we can continue the assignment when we have his class again. Dana was a nice person, although she did show signs of attitude and sass, which is fine, I guess. I tell her we'll catch up sometime and I walk off.

I already know that Nikolai has a different class from me, so I walk over to my locker to pick up some notes. I start humming Nirvana by Sam Smith, when I hear someone hit the locker next to me.

"I see you got pipes bro," the voice says accompanied with a few claps.

I turn around and see it's Dana.

"What's up chick." I say staring at the floor.

"Hey look up, I'm not gonna bite, you sounded pretty good." she says while rubbing my shoulders.

I slowly raise my head and start smiling. She then motions me towards the notice board and shows me a piece of paper in the left corner.

I walk up towards and I read it to myself.

"Think you have a voice, sign up now for this years Christmas Concert!!" it reads as I look towards Dana.

"I don't think my voice is that good," I tell her as I sigh.

"Man you were only humming and it sounded so clean, try it out." she says giving me two thumbs up.

Our conversation is cut short when I notice the teacher for my next class, walking towards the class.

"Yo Dana, we'll catch up later," I say as I wave and walk off.

I run past my teacher and slip through the door,- slightly grazing my elbow.

Hey everyone, I know this chapter seems a bit boring, so it might be tweaked a bit. Appreciate any help from you all.

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