Chapter 8: Eyes on You Part 2

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"Wake up sleepy head," Nikolai said shaking me.

"Ughh, I don't wanna!" I mumbled as I hugged the sheets.

The crazy head boy decided to pull off the sheets, revealing my skin to the cold morning breeze.

"If I can't wake you up, this surely will," he laughed.

I got up quickly, yanking my boxers from between my crotch and giving him a side eye.

"Good morning sir," I said wiping my eyes.

"Good morning to you," he replied kissing my cheek.

That kissed rocked through my whole body warming me and my lower region up.

"Oh boy, you better hide your lil man," he said with a grin.

Embarrassed I grabbed my pants and slipped it on before my dick got anymore noticeable.

"Well, as you know today is Saturday so we can chill here and get to know each other more," he said. I agreed and got off the bed to head to the bathroom. My body still had some aches but the medicine he gave me eased the pain alot. About half an hour later we both did our hygiene stuff and were in the kitchen making breakfast.

Keegan's POV

I hope I'm not being a creep when I spied on Nikolai and Jayden last night....I thought to myself playing with my phone. I've always considered myself straight, so I'm not sure what has me behaving like this. I'm in a relationship with Dana and it seems to be going great, except that I have feelings for this boy I recently met. I'll just have to get to know him more so I can express my feelings to him....I think.

Nikolai's POV

"So what you wanna do today?" I asked, cuddling with him as he washed his dishes. His warm body was smelling of body wash and I couldn't help but lay my head on him.

"Umm I don't know, maybe go to the park?" he replied slipping out of my arms.

I lived a few blocks away from the nearest park so I guess it was a good idea.

"Cool, we'll head there after lunch." I said.

Jayden's POV

Nikolai is really sweet to me, but I don't wanna rush into anything. I had a few more things to collect from my dorm and I really didn't want to be confronted with Joshua again, so I thought I'd ask Keegan. I don't have his contact so I decided to ask Dana for it.

** Text Conversation**

Me: Hey wassup Keegan, it's Jayden.

Keegan: Hey

Me: Can I ask a favor from you?

Keegan: Umm sure I guess

Me: Well I kinda had a falling out with my roommate and I moved out. So can

you possible collect some stuff for me?

Keegan: I don't really know you man.......

Me: Aww come on dude please.

Keegan: Ehh owe me tho

I gave him the address and an hour later there was a knock at the door. Nikolai left for a bit to get some stuff for our park picnic, so he left me alone. I knew it was Keegan at the door so it wasn't a problem to let him in.

"Hey man thanks so much for doing this for me," I said taking the stuff from him.

"No problem," he answered.

Keegan's POV

Am I really standing face to face with him? I could kiss him all over, and that I did, I reached in close to him and planted a kiss on kiss wet lips. What surprised me the most was that he didn't budge, he just stood there taking it all.

I spoke to soon, because after we kissed he turned red and pushed me off of himself.

"What the f**k dude!!" he shouted.

"I'm..I'm sorry Jayden...I didn't mean it," I responded with my head down.

I decided not to stay, so I immediately ran outside and left. Why the hell would I do that, he barely knows me.

Nikolai's POV

It's so hard to shop and not think about Jayden and his sexy self. Seeing that we were going to the park I decided that we should have a little picnic. That's how I ended up here, to buy some food for us to eat.

"Strawberries...check, Drinks.....check, Chocolate....check, myself....check," I whispered to myself as I looked at my checklist.

Today is gonna be great, I just know it.

Jayden's POV

The hell is wrong with this boy, I just asked him for some stuff and now he just walks up to me and kissed me. I must admit he got skills, seeing his tongue was all in my mouth, but I barely know him. I really wanted him just as a friend, but now he being weird.

I just closed the door and went to the couch to think for a bit. I've known Nikolai for more than a month and he's growing on me, and now he took me in, so my mind is only on him now. I decided to take a nap before Nik comes back so I'll be rested.

Keegan's POV

I had to get my mind off of Jayden and our little experience a while ago. So I call Dana to have sex with her. Of course she turns me down because she's at the hair salon.

"Come on babe, we can do it in the toilet," I say uneasily.

"Bitch, I ain't no no," she responds ending the call.

She gets me mad because she knows not to call me that, and in the heat of the moment I send her a text breaking up with her. I don't bother to check her response, and I continue my way towards home. I get home and can't help my urge to have sex so I whip out my 8" dick and start jerking off, to a pic of Jayden though...........

Hope you all like the second part. :D

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