Chapter 18: I Just Wanted Love Part 2

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Jayden's POV

"Dr. Charles!! We're coming over now!" I shouted into the phone.

I couldn't help but be more worried than Nikolai, as he slowly tried to move his leg without opening the wound further. How the hell did a small fall cause this?

"We should call my mom now," he groaned.

"No!!! We can tell her later," I replied.

"It's just a small cut babe....she won't freak out you you," he said, trying to hide the pain he was in.

"Oh you mean that......I thought you meant the other...."

"She'll kill him if she finds out," he cut me off.

It's still a shock to me that we just found out that Keegan tried to kill my boyfriend. However, the one thing that is bothering me more than my current situation with Nik, is that Zachary sounded like something was wrong with him. I obviously can't go see him now, but man I hope he's ok. We finally make it to the door when I see a car pull up in front of the house.

Zachary's POV

"Ok, we're gonna make this quick...cuz I don't wanna shoot anyone," Keegan says, as he waves his gun in my face.

"Ok.....Ok....but please man, put it away," I responded, ducking my head in fear.

He begins staring me down with his evil eyes, then slaps my face hard with the gun, almost knocking me out. Dazed, I blink about 15 times a second just to regain proper focus of my eyes. I slowly get out the car, but he grabs my shirt collar, pulling me like he did at his house.

"What the hell is going on?" Jayden asks as he walks towards us.

"In the house now!" Keegan demands, showing him his gun.

Within a few seconds we are all in the house with Nikolai and Jayden huddled up in one corner. The place is dead quiet, due to all of us being terrified at Keegan's behavior.

"What happened to him?" Keegan asks as he inspects Nikolai's leg.

Neither of them answer him and I know he isn't gonna stand there and take that. He raises his arm to hit Jayden in the face, when I run up towards him to stop him.

"Move the f**k away or I kill them both!" he shouts at me.

My heart is beating ten times faster as I return to my previous spot like a whimp. He then starts yelling at them for no reason, which just bursts a string inside me. I'm not going to let him do anything to my friend, when he hasn't done anything wrong. I manage to sneak up behind him, and I give him one kick to the back. I try running towards the front door to call for help but I hear a deafening bang, that causes me to stop in my tracks. Expecting the worst, I look towards Jay and Nikolai and see that they're ok, which can only mean I got shot. But I'm surprised to find no wound on my body.....he missed.

"Do you even know how to use a damn gun?" Nikolai smirks.

He then came charging towards me, ramming me into the wall. I could feel the pressure in my head as his arms gripped onto my throat. My eyes started to close as I gasped for any amount of air that I could take in. I then heard him scream out, as he dropped me to the floor. A few seconds more and I would have knocked out or been dead.

Nikolai's POV

I've been in a situation like this once, but not to this magnitude. I mean a psychopathic young man who can't even shoot a gun properly, now that's just dumb. I started feeling dizzy because of all the blood loss from this cut and I knew that I needed to see this doctor now. I then see Jayden grab a vase as he runs up to Keegan and his friend. The next minute they are both on the floor and Jay dashes back towards me. Keegan starts crawling towards us but his friend then stomps down on his hands causing him to scream out again.

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