Chapter 15: Never Mess with Me

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Zachary in the above pic. ;)

Also for those who are completely lost, I highly recommend that you check back to Chapter 3 to understand what's about to go down.


"Yes aunty?"

"Can you watch the house for me today?"

" problem."

"Ok thanks, I'm leaving in 20 minutes."

"Ok, bye."

We still can't have a proper conversation and now she wants me to baby sit the house. It takes about half an hour to reach there. Anyway.......Nikky is still sleeping, so I'll have to take the bus today, yay me! I take a quick shower and within ten minutes I'm already on the bus. I never noticed how beautiful the place looks early in the morning.

Nikolai's POV

I was not awoken to good morning kisses or even a soft hand moving up and down my naked body, so I know he's not in bed. I stretch my arms out as I search the room for some clothes to put on. I then walk towards the bathroom hoping he's in there but he's not. I then see a small note saying he has to watch his aunt's house today. He wasn't suppose to leave until later, but whatever. I think I'll go visit my parents and lil bro today, seeing I'm here alone.

After breakfast I lock the door and head straight towards my parents house. I'm surprised when no one answers my knocks, so I take out my key and open the door. Just like this morning at my house, no one is in the house. I become frantic, thinking something happened to them, so I start calling their phones to no avail. As I'm pacing back and forth I see a note on the refrigerator. It reads:

Nikolai, whenever you get to read this, just know we are safe. I left your dad because he was sleeping with a boy I think you might know...his name is Keegan. We never told you but we've been having marriage problems for a while now. Your brother and I are at your grandma's house so you can visit whenever you want. Love you so much baby.

Without hesitating I rush upstairs to my parents room and open one of their drawers. I'm searching for it until I see another note. tucked in the corner.

Thought you might look for it after the first note, so of course I took it. Guns are not your friends babe...not after what happened before. Still love you.

Completely angry, I storm out of the house and jump in my car. Nobody messes with me and my family.

Keegan's POV

I've been feeling pretty guilty for the things I caused to happen between the Johnsons. It was never suppose to happen like that and I really hope all is good on their end. I jump out of my seat as I hearing banging at the door. I rush towards it and I open up easy, only for Nikolai to come flying in. As he enters I see his fist coming towards my face, but my quick reflexes cause me to block it as I stumble to the floor.

"So it's your fault!" he screams at me.

"My fault? What are you talking about?" I respond.

He doesn't answer but picks me up and slams me into the wall. I then find myself on the receiving end of multiple punches to the face and stomach. But I'm not gonna just sit here and take all of this, so I swing back and I catch him off guard, slamming one into his jaw.

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