Chapter 14: Say my Name..Say my Name Part 1

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For those who have been curious.........Nikolai in the above pic. ;)

So tomorrow is Jay Jay's birthday and I want to make it extra special for him. I'm at the store right now buying some food items I'm planning to cook for him tomorrow, and no he doesn't know I'm doing this. I also got him the cutest gremlin stuffed animal and I know he's gonna love it. Oh did I forget to mention it's been about two and a half months since we started dating?

Jayden's POV

Classes today were sooo boring. Not many people know it my birthday tomorrow but I hope atleast the ones I did tell, remember. Nikolai isn't home as yet and these couple days he's been very secretive and quiet. I'm not sure why, but I damn right hope he aint cheating on me. I flop down on the sofa to watch some tv, when I hear my phone ringing.


"Hey Jay."

"Oh hey aunty, what's up."

"So as you know, this weekend is our family get together...and well, I hope to see you there."

"Of course know I'll be there."

"Good...see you there."


She talks so dry on the phone it aint even funny. You could atleast talk with some love. I wonder if she'll let Nik come along, seeing it's a family only dinner and well she doesn't know he's my boyfriend, or that I'm bi.

Keegan's POV

"Can I come over tonight," I say directly into the phone.

"Of course you can, but my wife is you'll have to sneak in," he says quietly.

"Damn...really? Oh ok," I respond thinking of how I'm gonna pull this off.

I eventually hang up the phone after we work out all the sneaking details. I haven't gotten dick in a few days from Mr. Johnson so I'll do anything to get some tonight. I'm not sure what made me do it but I took up my phone and started looking through my gallery. I stopped at this one epic selfie pic, seeing myself looking all fly and sexy. As I'm lusting over myself, I notice in the background Jayden and Nikolai walking and holding hands. If it's one thing, I get super emotional when I see couples together; gay or straight it just pinches my love nerve......yeah I know there is no sure thing. My eyes get all watery just thinking of me with a boyfriend. I've noticed this has been happening lately and it just means it's time for me to find that special someone. I can't look at the picture anymore so I lock my phone and lay down in my bed.

Zachary's POV (Jayden's Caribbean friend from Chapter 1)

The name's Zachary Stuart. I'm a close friend....well was a close friend of the one and only Jayden Hall. I'm 20 just like him; tall, dark skinned with curly hair and a sexy deep voice. We haven't spoken that much since he left to the US to study. I must admit I still miss him, but luckily things should change in a couple of days. Turns out all the time he's been absent, my papers that were filed for me to live in the US finally went through, and I'll be in my new home in a couple of days. I didn't want to tell Jayden, but once I arrive I'll let him have it. The reason I'm so excited for this is because, well me and Jayden have had an interesting past. He never told anyone, and I mean no one, but we were in a very secretive relationship many years back. He swore that we never did anything but I know for a fact that we were together. Anyway, I'll be staying at my mother's house which is not very far from where I heard Jayden's aunt lives. So once I find her I'm sure I can find him.

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