Chapter 1: New Beginnings Part 2

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I quickly grabbed the phone and acted like nothing happened. She lets out a little grin and walks out the room. Did she see the pic or was she so stupid as not to see it??

After about an hour we both get into her car and start our little trip to Virginia, a 45 minute drive. We pull up to the University............. James Cordell University one of the best, in my opinion. We then enter the lobby area and she shows me to my Student Representative. Dear lord.......the lady looked so old. Pale skin, ugly top and skirt, her hair was aite but man was she a bore. Anyway, long story short, we spent about an hour and a half going through all the info I needed to know about attending the university. Oh and yes, I was gonna stay in a dorm with a roommate.

The next few days leading up to my first day at school went by really quickly. I spoke to Zachary ever so often, sharing sexy pics with each other. Why did I leave the Caribbean??

"Come on Kay, let's go!!" I shouted, trying to get her attention.

It was the day before my new life in the US and I wanted to get there on time. We finally leave my aunt's house and head towards the University. Kay and a few other helpful university staff help me with my boxes, then she hugs me and goes her way. I slowly walk down the hall in my dorm and pause by the door to my room. I faintly hear some Frank Ocean playing inside. So I open the door and see my roommate singing into a brush. I chuckle softly and introduce myself to him, as the brush hits the floor.

"What's up bro, I'm Jayden." I said walking in.

"Yo Yo, I'm Joshua." he answered, with an embarrassed look on his face.

This negro right here was fine. I mean fine.......from his skin to his face to his lips and that body, and ontop of it, he could sing!! But like I said, I aint gay, I just at times, feel a certain way about the same sex.

We had a little chat for the remainder of the evening, until he told me to get dressed, he was taking me to a little diner a few blocks down. Felt so special, I got dressed immediately.

" Do you mind if I bring my girlfriend along?" He asked while putting on his left sock.

"Ummm, No.... not at all," I said with a disappointed look. Home boy is already taken, and he's straight.

"Great. Let's go."

We both exited the room and walked down the stairs towards his car. The rest of the night was pretty lame, cuz I was already sad that this fine ass dude got a girlfriend. She was pretty, but my straightness wasn't on my mind. I asked Joshua if he could take me back to the dorm cuz I wasn't in the mood for dinner anymore. He agreed, so we left and he dropped his gf home.

As we reached back, I thanked him for the dinner and jumped onto my bed. With the lights off, I just lay there thinking about life. Joshua was nice enough to tell me goodnight before we both dozed off.

I woke up to the sound of music (you guessed it, more Frank Ocean) so you know I started to sing along. Joshua was up preparing some breakfast.

"Hey bro thanks for all you're doing so far," I said as I grabbed a waffle.

He snatched it back from me and said I'm not allowed to eat unless I brush my teeth. I grinned but did as he said, cuz I was hungry as hell. After breakfast we both had to hustle to our first class, seeing we spent so much time getting ready. Our classes were different seeing we study different fields, so I told him I'd catch him later.

So me here, with my schedule and backpack in my hand not knowing where to go.

"Hey bruh, you know where you going?"

Were the words coming out the mouth of a heaven sent angel that was walking towards me.

"I'm Nikolai," he said shaking my hand.

I could barely move, but responded, telling him mine.( my backpack almost dropped in the process) Omfg, he was so beautiful. He was tall, around my height, nice dark skin, muscular and cute face.

I decided to peak at his schedule to see what his first class was, noticing we had the same class. My face turned red immediately, as I turned around so he won't see. 

"Well it looks like we have the same class" I said, turning back at him.

"Well bruh, shall we?" he answered as he led the way to our unknown first class.

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