Chapter 8: Eyes on You Part 1

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Jayden's POV

So I'm here patiently waiting for Nikolai to come. You don't know it, but I've never been beaten up before like I did tonight, and it's taking a toll on me, because the pain rushing through my body has me very uncomfortable. Anyway, I'll just breathe in and out deeply until he comes to hopefully help me.

Nikolai's POV

He couldn't talk to me this week and all of a sudden he wants my help? So ungrateful, and all I did was tell him I had feelings for him. Anyway, I care about him so I'll just go and be my normal caring self. I take about 10 minutes to reach him and he's there sitting on the floor and looking like he's crying.

"Oh my gosh!! Jayden what the hell happened?" I shout running towards him.

"My roommate beat the hell outta me for cheating on his girlfriend." he answers looking up.

I sit next to him and examine his bruises as he tells me the story.

"Well you deserved all of it, even though you looked messed up as shit," I saying laughing at him.

I continue mocking him, not noticing that he's not responding or even laughing. I turn my head around and see him hunched over motionless.

Jayden's POV

I'm here in pain and all he could do is mock me...........That's the last thing I remember thinking when I start seeing two of him......spinning.

I wake up in an environment I've never been in. A soft bed, pastel yellow wall, vanilla air freshener and new clothes? I slowly raise myself up from the bed looking confused. I hear footsteps coming towards me and I turn my attention towards the door.

"Oh good you're up," Nikolai says with a smile on his face.

"I am...what the heck happened?" I ask trying to get up.

"Don't! You need to rest............and if you must know you blacked out on the sidewalk earlier," he says handing me some water.

I gulp down all of the water and turn towards him.

"Nikolai, I really don't know how to say this........but I"

"I wanna thank me for helping you tonight," he butts in.

"No, I do thank you but what I wanna say is........I really like you," I say looking him dead in his eyes.

Nikolai's POV

I didn't know what to think, but I knew he would say it one day.

"Ever since I saw you that first day, I felt something I never did before," he says wiping his face.

"I have been feeling the same way, and it was strange because I just broke up with my girlfriend," I respond sitting beside him.

He lays his head on my shoulder and all of a sudden starts crying. Seeing him cry in front of me, I had to let out some tears of my own, and hugged him tight as his tears flowed. The warmth of his body had me feeling so good, it just had me feeling warm as well.

I didn't want to rush things but I gave him a soft kiss on his tear stained lips. His lips were so soft and he didn't want to stop, couldn't blame him.

Jayden's POV

I just cried in front of another guy and it never felt so right. Nikolai hugging me made me feel so safe and secure. He's much bigger than me and his body on my body had me so uneasy, in a good way though.

I decided to leave him to kiss me seeing that I confessed to him how I feel. I looked up at his adorable face and started telling him how thankful I was, but he stopped me and started kissing me again. Of course I left him to do it again and a minute later we were into a full makeout session. Clothes thrown everywhere, pillows on the floor, we were even on the floor. It was just magical; something I never felt before.

Nikolai's POV

Tonight has been the greatest night ever, I thought to myself. I kissed a guy for the first time and I plan on kissing him for a long time to come. He's asleep now, but I can't stop thinking about the first time I saw him. His caramel skin and his oh so sexy Caribbean accent, just turns me on. I let him sleep in my bed tonight to let him recuperate, so I'll sleep on the couch tonight. I'm guessing I have a new member of my house now. I breathe a sigh of relief and close my eyes, eventually drifting off into sleep.


Keegan's POV

I don't know why but I need to be with Jayden, he seems special and I like that.............I say to myself as I walk away from Nikolai's bedroom window.

Wonder what's going on here. Hope you all like this chapter, and guess what? I have a bf!!! my first actually!!! :D

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow!! I appreciate all the reads and support thus far.

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