Chapter 7: For the Love of Popsicles

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I process the words I just heard and close my eyes. I can't let him know how I feel because it would change my life and I'm not ready for that.

I then open my eyes and push his hands off of mine. Not a word is spoken between us as he pulls up to the dorm.

"Thank you for the night," I quietly say as I exit the car.

He looks up at me with the cutest sad face ever and drives off. I can't let him know as yet, I just can't.

The next few days are a bit awkward for the both of us. We don't meet up in the lobby anymore and we don't even talk during classes, even though we sit next to each other. I see him during lunch and walk towards him to say hi, but he just walks off without even acknowledging me.

I just stand there like an idiot knowing well that I was the cause of this. Lunch is almost over so I quickly sit by a table and start eating my lunch. As I'm eating I notice two figures sit down opposite me. I look up and see Dana and this fine looking brotha.

"Hey Jayden!" she says popping some gum in her mouth.

"What's happening Dana," I respond still eating my food.

"Oh my bad, this is Keegan," she says motioning him to look at me.

He side eyes her but then looks up, dapping me.

Dana's phone starts ringing and she excuses herself and walks off. I'm still here eating and trying to come up with something to say to this dude. As I'm about to open my mouth, he stops me and begins talking.

"I might not know you, but it looks like something is wrong."

"Actually, yeah.... having a little problem with a friend," I answer.

It was like a therapy session with him for the next few minutes, well at least he was trying, cuz he was saying a bunch of nonsense.

"So you really think I should tell them some cheesy jokes to get their attention," I ask laughing.

"Of course you should, it always works," he replies with a grin on his face.

I notice the time on my watch and tell him I have to leave now. As I walk off I smile, knowing I'm making a new friend, a sorta weird person like me.

The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly; still haven't spoken to Nikolai since movie night and I'm starting to worry. I shake it off and start my walk towards my room. I open the door and notice Joshua isn't back as yet. I'm too tired to do anything so I jump onto my bed and fall asleep. As I'm sleeping I start having this weird dream........

'I'm at the beach when I notice an ice cream truck. I walk up to it and ask for a popsicle. I then start sucking on the popsicle in the most awkward of ways. Up and down, fast and slow until all is done.'

That's when I'm awoken from my slumber to a head bobbing up and down. I squint my eyes trying to settle my view, when I notice it's Joshua's girlfriend. She's sucking the life out of my dick and it's sooo amazing. It's totally wrong but amazing, cuz her head game is on point. I lay my head back and I hold onto her head as she moves up and down.

I'm about to bust my nut when I hear the door open. I quickly raise my head up and see it's Joshua who's about to enter beast mode. He grabs his girlfriend by the arm and flings her to the side walking up to me. His leg connects onto my thigh and he lets out a few punches at my stomach and chest. I stumble to the floor, trying to explain myself.

He doesn't listen and starts shouting at us to leave, of course he breaks up with his girlfriend. I manage to grab my small suitcase with my clothes and we both dart out of the house.

"Call me," she says as she places a paper in my shirt pocket. I take it out and throw it to the floor, knowing I won't see her again.

Did I just get kicked out of my room, by my roommate? It was about time I left, seeing I spend so much to rent it already, but I don't have anywhere to go and my aunt lives too far away.

I drop to the floor still in pain and take out my phone. Who do I call, I mumble to myself searching through my contacts. I pause for a second and then begins dialing Nikolai's number, yes Nikolai, because I need somewhere to stay tonight.

It rings for a while until he finally picks up. I breathe in and out then I tell him about my current situation.

"Oh so now your dumbass wants to talk to me," he shouts.

"Nik, I'm sorry....ok...come and pick me up and we'll talk." I reply groaning in pain before I hang up.

I couldn't tell him on the phone, so I'll wait until he comes, and then tell him that I like him................

Been trying to piece this chapter together to make it sound good. Any feedback is appreciated. Don't forget to follow, vote and comment.

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