Chapter 3: Don't Hate Me

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So a month has passed since I started attending this new University. It's been great so far, I guess. Made two new friends; Keegan and Dana, who I must say are two of the weirdest people I know. So am I, guess that's why we click. Anyway, Keegan is 20 just like me and Dana is a year younger. He's about 5'9, brown skin and curly hair. Dana is much shorter, dark skin with long flowing hair. (think it's weave though)

We hang out everyday, so each day we get closer as friends, and I need that since I'm still new here. I'll get back to these two soon, time to talk about Nikolai.

We've gotten a bit closer as friends. We talk alot, text pretty often and hang out ever so often. I don't know if he knows that I have feelings for him, but it's too soon to let him know. He tries not to show it, but I kinda know deep down he has a thing for guys, especially with me. No other guy has been so understanding around me. I mean I see the way he looks at me sometimes, it's like he has a soft spot for me.

Both of us try not to show our feelings to each other or others, (which is hella awkward btw) but I guess one day we'll be able to release those feelings.

———— Major Flash Forward ————

"Babe wake up!"

"mhmmm yeah......Just now," I mumble as I rub my eyes.

Takes me about 5 seconds to see clearly, and when I do, I look up and see Nikolai hovering over me.

"Get your ass up, you gotta get ready for your dinner" he says while helping me up.

We've been dating for about two and a half months now and they've been the best two and a half months ever.

"Pass me my shirt bubba," I say giving him a cute face.

I quickly slip it on and we both walk out the room towards the kitchen. I can't help but look at his sexy body as he pours himself a glass of water.

"Careful Nik!!" I say as I bump into him trying to give him a peck on the neck.

"Look what you made me do," he sighs as he points to a puddle of water on the floor.

He goes to wipe it with a paper towel, but I grab him and lean him against the counter. Our lips collide and it's like magic, then his lips start moving all over my face. He then lifts me up and places me onto the counter, we're still kissing btw. I slowly move my hands up and down his firm chest, ever so often going down his crotch. He moans when I do it so I leave my hands down there a little longer just to hear his noises in my ear.

We continue our little make out session, when I hear a noise coming from the front door. We stop kissing and I try to get off the counter, but Nikolai has his body pinned onto mine so I can't move. I get frantic because no one was suppose to be home and no one knows I'm together with a guy.

He whispers in my ear...."Let them come," but I'm not about to let that happen. I see my aunt walking into the kitcken, so I get frantic and scared, and push Nikolai as hard as I could so I can get off the counter before she sees.

I look across to my aunt who's standing still, then back to Nikolai and see him slipping on the puddle of water and flying into the stove. He then hits his head on one of the shelves above him, then stumbles to the floor.

I run towards him and I try to help him up, but he pushes me back, and hard too. He then gets up groaning and runs out the kitchen towards the front door. I quickly look at my aunt and tell her I'll explain soon, then I rush off behind Nik.

As he opens the front door and grab his hand and tells him to stop.

"Let me go Jay!" he shouts as he forcefully pulls his hand out of my grasp.

"I'm sorry babe...I am" I say trying to turn him towards me.

He doesn't respond, but I see a tear running down his face. He then steps outside slamming the door in my face. I'm obviously stunned, but I regain myself and open the door running after him. I reach his car a second too late, as he exits the driveway into the street.

Exhausted from all the running, I slump onto the floor crying my eyes out. I hurt my baby for the third time, and I think he's done with me.

I spent the rest of the evening into night, in my room. I didn't speak to my aunt about the incident and all I could think about is Nikolai. I grab my phone and look at a picture of me and him, when we first kissed. I thought it would be sweet if we took one, just for the memory.

After softly crying, I put it back down, only to pick it back up when it starts vibrating. Keegan is calling me and I really don't wanna speak to anyone right about now. I decide to answer it and ask him what's up.

**Phone call **

Me: Keegan what do you want

Keegan: What do you mean what I want...something happened to Nikolai!!

Me: What?? What?!

Keegan: Jay, he's in the hospital. Get your f**king ass there right now

Me: What...............

** Hey to all those reading. Just a heads up, the next few chapters will lead up to the events of this chapter. Hope you all like it so far. And a special thank you to @SupHomie_ for helping with the names.

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