Chapter 12: Love is a Strong Word

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So my ass is hurting right now from taking dick last night. I was never expecting us to do it, but he insisted, and well I couldn't resist his huge dick. It was really hot; we were all sweaty and breathing heavy and stuff, making out, our bodies rubbing against each other, it was just the greatest sex I ever had. I've always had something for Jayden, but now, I think I'm falling for Nikolai.

Nikolai's POV

" Oh my God, Oh my God!" I shouted, as I paced back and forth in my room.

Did I really have sex with Keegan last night? It was never suppose to happen like that, we were just suppose to make out, suck off each other and that's it. I looked to the floor and noticed a bottle poking out from under the bed. I reached down and picked it up, realizing it was alcohol.

" No...I never drink!" I shouted again, throwing the bottle on the bed. I dropped on the bed and started thinking; it's best that I apologize to Jayden for our fight and hope that he comes back.

Jayden's POV

I'm slowly trying to get out of bed and not wake Mr. Johnson when I hear my phone vibrating. I look at the screen and see it's Nikolai calling. I hurry outside to the bathroom, contemplating whether to answer or not. I mean he really hurt me and we haven't spoken for days. and he decides to call me out of the blue. After taking a deep breath I answer the phone.



"Umm......Hi Jayden"

"What do you want Nikolai?"

"Jayden......I'm sorry. I behaved like an ass and I'm sorry."

"I don't know if to believe you"

"Please babe, I really am and I want you to come back...I miss you"

".............I miss you too"

"So you forgive me?"

"I never said that, but yeah I think it's time I come back"

"Ok, see you soon?"


Nikolai's POV

"Thank God," I whispered, as I lay my head on my pillow. All I could think about is all the good times me and Jayden had. I really don't want to loose him and I'll try my best not too. After a while I drifted off to sleep waiting for my soon to be, boyfriend's, arrival.

Jayden's POV

I really miss him and I think it's time I leave his dad's house, because what happened last night was a one time thing only and I don't want that to escalate into something I'll regret. So I grab my luggage and dash outside without Mr. Johnson knowing. I signal a taxi to take me to Nik's house. As I get in I see a very familiar face, my crazy ass friend Dana.

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