Chapter 9: A Complementary Confrontation

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Nikolai's POV

So I have everything for this epic date with Jay Jay today. I just finished loading the last bag into my trunk and I start walking towards the driver's seat.

"Hey Nikolai!" a deep voice shouted in my direction.

I turned around and noticed it was one of my classmates, Matthius.

"Wazzup bro," I say dapping him.

"Nothing much, but hear this bro.......I saw someone snooping around your house the other night."

"For real man?" I respond in a low voice.

"Yes bro, just be on the lookout you hear," he says as he walks off.

" the way he was wearing a purple and yellow hoodie."

Now I'm not a person to worry, but this sort of changed my mood for the day. I quickly backed out of the parking lot and headed back home to meet my boo.

Jayden's POV

"Why do I always have to wake you up?" Nikolai says rubbing my head.

" long was I asleep?" I respond jumping off the couch.

"How the heck would I know.." he answers back.

I quickly ran into the shower, did my hygiene stuff and then got dressed. By the time I reached downstairs, Nik was already exiting the house.

"Lock up and let's go," he says throwing me the house keys.

Before I closed the door I had to put on some cologne, so I hastily sprayed on some and a bit flew into my eyes burning the hell out of the them.

"You alright?" he asks starting the car.

"Yeah I am, just can't see," I answer kissing his neck.

Keegan's POV

After my jerk off session I fell asleep, and didn't even bother to clean up myself. My phone starts ringing and I notice it's Dana. I still don't want to talk to her so I hang up the call. The phones sings a second time but this time it's not Dana, it's my bro Calvin. Calvin is like a brother to me, seeing that we grew up together...he also knows that I'm bisexual seeing he was reason I started liking guys. I answer the phone and he tells me to come chill with him at the park. At least I can have my mind on something else for the rest of the day, so I wash up and head towards the park.

Nikolai's POV

We finally arrive at the park and I can't wait to spend time with Jayden. We take all the food and drinks and find a nice cozy spot under an oak tree. The park isn't that crowded but there are a few people here and there so I guess we can get away with a little dirtiness today.

"Ok Mr. Hall...( Jayden's last name ) are you hungry?" I ask bringing his attention to my neatly placed food.

"Why yes I am...starving actually," he grins.

I pop a strawberry into mouth and I finish off the other half, licking his lips in the process.

Jayden's POV

Lord take me now, I say to myself as Nik feeds me strawberries. I must say, he's the sweetest person I've ever met and right about now I can't control my hormones.

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