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with low expectations it's very easy to surprise people.

    I was sitting next to James in the small blue buggy Steve had stuffed us all into 10 minutes ago, saying it was "off the radar" and "didn't look suspicious" I all but rolled my eyes before getting in, not wanting to argue how wrong he was. Every so often James would shuffle closer to me, trying to find more space for his deliciously thick thighs but to no avail. The ride was relatively silent the only sound encasing the space is the low hum of the radio and the occasional clicking of the turn signal. As we finally made it to our destination I was disappointed to see that we had parked underneath a bridge. A black SUV in front of us. James continued to shuffle around while Steve got out to converse with the owner of the vehicle. She was a small, slightly muscular woman with blonde hair and hazel eyes that were practically drooling over Steve.

"Can you move your seat up," James grumbled from beside me, directing his question towards Sam who occupied the seat ahead.

"No," Sam coldly responded, not even bothering to turn and meet James's eyes. I huffed, pulling the door open and moving towards Steve's seat on the driver's side. Not even bothering to listen or care if I interrupted the blond's goo-goo eyes in Steve's direction. Pulling Steve's seat up before taking residence in the spot for a moment I turned and looked over at James and Sam.

"Move over," I growled, scowling at his and Sam's childish behavior. Both James and Sam's eyes widened, instantly moving over upon seeing my irritation. After remedying the situation of the two men-children in the back, we all sat in silence for what felt like hours with James's anxious fidgeting behind me. I sat on the driver's side feeling bad for being so cold towards the man I loved, however, I was frustrated. I was tired of all the fighting, all I wanted was peace, even though it was terrifying, and to maybe start a family, to finally settle down, but here I was, back in another fight and threatening more people's lives.

"Darlin'," James's voice came from behind me in a soft whisper, like he was trying to be as small as possible, not wanting to poke the bear more than necessary, but wanting to make sure I was ok. "I'm sorry for irritatin' you," his Brooklyn accent caused the slur of his words that made my heart melt every time I heard it.

"It's alright, Jamie." I smiled, turning around in my chair to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, I'm just-" I apologized, trying to explain myself but being cut off by James.

"I know why darlin', you don't need to apologize to me, I get it." He smiled sadly, lifting a hand to hold my cheek. Leaning into his touch a small tear fell from my eye leaving a small wet trail down my cheek before being swept away by the same flesh finger that held it. A small smile of gratitude took over my face as I gazed into James's azure eyes. They reminded me of where I grew up, in the before when it was just me and my parents in the Austrian Alps. His eyes reminded me of the image of when the light would hit the snow just right and it would shine a crystal blue sometimes so bright it'd look like tinted glass. I'd lived in the alps until I was 6 before my parents relocated to the states where they took residence in Boone, North Carolina. My parents deciding to move after they had lost hope I was ever going to be returned to them. Then once I returned they moved us to New York, that way the widow program wouldn't be able to find me again, until I was abducted by Hydra. A small, abrupt gasp from Sam tore me and my husband from our gazing, our heads both spinning towards the direction of Sam's eye-line only to see Steve kissing the blonde.

"Oh, my god," Sam smirked, nodding his head towards the couple.

"Sam! Leave them be!" I scolded smacking his face away from the two.

"Hey! Bucky is doing it too!" Sam whined, acting like a toddler. I immediately flicked back around to see James doing the same thing as Sam. I gasped, eyes widening as I scolded my husband.

"James Buchanan Barnes!" James's head turned shamefully to meet my disappointed eyes.

"Sorry darlin'," he mumbled, keeping his eyes locked on the carpet flooring of the backseat. Groaning from my front-row seat to Steve and his mystery girl's make-out session, I grabbed the handle of the buggy that rested at hip level due to its old model. Ripping the handle back, almost breaking it, I got out of the car and marched my way to the source of the PDA. After getting close enough I smacked Steve in the back of the head, and immediately the pair both broke apart.

"Let's go, Rogers! We don't have time for your relationship development at the moment," Steve looked over at the girl before bashfully looking at the ground again, a deep blush painted his slightly freckled cheeks.

"Hi, I'm Sharon," the mature sound of a woman's voice sounded from behind my figure. Turning around I finally got a good look at the woman. She was well built and had a few small scars that littered her arms and fingers. An agent, uses a gun most of the time, probably most efficient and effective with a small handgun. I internally groaned and scolded myself for slipping back into the Widow mindset, while also making sure to remember the information I'd gathered...just in case.

"Allison," I responded strongly, holding out a hand, my head held up high and confident. This threw Sharon off, she must be used to being the boldest and most confident in the room. Sharon looked like she was tough and had seen plenty, which I appreciated having been through my fair share as well. Sharon shook my hand before she flicked open her trunk, continuing the conversation with me.

"I was able to get their weapons back but that's about all I do, I'm sorry, I wish there was more that I could do to help," She apologized, looking disappointedly at the ground.

"You did enough Sharon," I replied, placing a hand to her shoulder and giving her a strong nod of appreciation. Slightly smiling she responded.

"Good luck, I tried wrangling those boys and it didn't work out in my favor," she chuckled.

"Yeah well I seem to have them scared shitless well enough, being that my husband has probably told them all about how scary I am," I snickered, Sharon's eyes widening in shock at the mention of a husband, shooting a look towards Steve in concern. "Him?" I chuckled, looking at her in disbelief. "No. Try the bigger one in the red Henley," I corrected, smirking at Sharon's shock and concern. She must really like Steve. "I've got to go Sharon before they do something stupid without me," I nodded towards the boys a small smile gracing my lips when I locked eyes with my husband.

"It was nice meeting you Allison, your a strong force, and I pray for anyone that tries to stand in your way," Sharon smiled, holding her hand in my direction, rebuilding her professional exterior. I admired her ability to show a soft side to others while also being a hard ass. I wished that I could open up like that to others, I wanted so badly to be able to give myself away to James sometimes but I just, couldn't. I took Sharon's hand in a strong handshake, catapulting myself out of my mental spiral. Giving Sharon a court nod, I walked back to the car seeing Steve in his spot once again with all of the gear loaded into the small trunk. I walked back over to the car, leaving Sharon to load herself back into the SUV. Ripping on the handle once more I sat down on the passengers side of the backseat looking over to James, reaching over he let his hand rest on my thigh. Wanting to be as close as possible to him at the moment I slid into the middle cuddling up with my super soldier while Steve took off towards the airport.

Here we go. Off to another fight.

James squeezed my thigh in silent consolation as he noticed my slight tensing. I smiled so softly that if James couldn't already read me like a book then he wouldn't have even noticed. I tried to distract myself from the inevitable by staring out the window, counting every telephone pole that passed by softly to myself.


( 1503 )
( June 30th, 2022 )

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