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or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride: I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no I or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close.

Warm air poured through the room in steady waves, blowing hair across my face, tickling my nose just enough for it to be annoying. Groaning, I rolled over and stuffed my face into the crook of my husband's neck, hiding from the breeze that made its way through the small hut. In return he wrapped his arms around my bare waist, pulling me closer into him. I smiled at the wave of warmth that cascaded over me, James always ran warm, metal prosthetic or not.

"Good morning," he grumbled, rubbing my back in smooth circles with his flesh hand.

"Morning," I groaned, placing a kiss on his neck. James and I had talked to T'Challa about living in Wakanda, and after some explanation and evidence that we had nothing to do with his father's death, he happily granted us the home. Shuri was able to remove James's Hydra arm, which he was eternally grateful for, but it did mean that I had to help out some more with everyday tasks like helping him tie his Wakandan cloths around his armless shoulder, but I didn't mind, using the opportunity to press a few kisses to his scarred shoulder. The two of us had developed a sort of routine, going every few weeks into town to grab food and other necessities, but most of the time opting to stay out in the country isolated.

"The market is calling our names today, darlin'. We ran out of toothpaste and plums last night, it also wouldn't hurt to look and see what the butcher has." James pulled me back from his neck to press a few kisses to my face as he ran over our todo list for the day.

"M'kay, let me put on some clothes," I chuckled, but James smirked nipping at my earlobe.

"I prefer you without," he whispered seductively, his hands moving to massage my hips.

"Well, I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate the entire city seeing me naked," I laughed, swatting his hands away and getting out from under the covers to my dresser.

"I think Steve said he'd be meeting us at the palace next week," James said, looking at the calendar I'd hung on the wall. Pulling on a bra and a pair of underwear I looked over to my husband.

"He is, I think he said he was bringing us some gifts, whatever that means," I grumbled, it was no secret I hated surprises, but I had grown to love Steve, talking to him whenever he came to visit James and I.

"Oh? He didn't say anything to me. Only know each other a few weeks and your already turning on me huh, darlin'." James smirked, getting out of bed for the first time to walk over to me, holding his hands at my waist, and looking into my eyes.

"Jealous Mr. Barnes," I question, smirking at his comment.

"Of my wife and best friend? Of course not Mrs. Barnes. I've seen and done things with you that he'll never get the chance to, I count myself lucky," he teased, leaning down to whisper the last words in my ear sending a shiver up my spine. When he pulls away, I immediately pull him into a deep kiss, holding his lips to mine while I tug at the hair on the nape of his neck.

"We." A kiss. "Need." Another kiss. "To." Yet another kiss. "Go," I laugh, pulling my lips from his, much to his disappointment. James let's me go with a groan, grabbing some clothes and slipping them on himself, he grabs his Wakanda equivalent of a wallet, and then grabs my hand walking out of our home to start our treck to the city.

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