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no fire department to call; no way out, just the upstairs no window to look out of while the fire burns the house down with us trapped, locked in it.

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BUCKY had just finished packing the last of your things, which wasn't much, in two small packs that sat in the corner of the small shack that claimed to be an apartment.

"We're all packed and ready to go, Dahlia," James called from the front of the one-bedroom, one-bath apartment. You had sat in a corner recovering from my most recent nightmare while he finished packing. You were both in agreement on moving out of Russia. There were too many memories, too many nightmares you both refused to relive any longer. After a good amount of talk, you decided that you'd go somewhere familiar, somewhere safe. You had suggested the Alps but were quickly shot down by reason, the main one being that it was too dangerous to travel such a long distance without being found. So, instead, you decided on traveling to Bucharest, it is somewhere you both found familiar and safe. You knew the place well and it was quite popular too so there were a lot of eyes.

"Hey," James' gentle hands moved slowly to cup your face, shocking you out of my thoughts. Your sudden startle caused him to rear back, not wanting to spook you. You immediately felt bad for scaring him, softly grabbing his hands and placing them back onto your face, nuzzling into the warmth and security it provided you.

"M'sorry," you mumbled, weeks of little to no sleep impeding your speech slightly.

"Stuffs all packed and ready, do you need a minute?" He suggested, as much as that sounded inviting you were tired of sitting in self-loathing as your brain recalled every innocent life you took. Every future you'd took, every family you ripped apart-

"Don't go there, Dahlia, I won't get ya back," he pleaded, looking deep into your very soul, and reading your mind like the wizard he was. You swear it was like you had some weird mind-meld and it was starting to freak you the fuck out.

"C'mon, we gotta get started if ya wanna set up camp before it gets dark. We'll be able to make it halfway if we leave now," he predicted, you weren't sure if it was Hydra or if it was the before that he learned to layout a plan in his head with little knowledge of the area. He was like a map, but human and not made of paper. You stood slowly with James not far behind.

"I'm scared, Sarge," you sniffled, you could hide everything and smash it so far down like a car would a grape, but not with him. You could never lie or hide anything from him, so you didn't even try anymore. Your eyes and thoughts were an open book where he was concerned. At your confession James stood with a newfound purpose, looking slightly down at you. His solid six-foot-tall body was pure wall if anyone asked you. However, you had always been a little tall as far as women in the 40s were concerned, standing at a solid five foot eight. Your arms snaked their way around his neck, his arms instinctually wrapping around your waist as you stood chest to chest. Your eyes were locked as you shared a silent conversation, relieving each other of your shared fears through unsaid affirmations.

"You're my heart and soul," you whispered, resting your forehead against his.

"You're my forever and always," he responded, tilting his head to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. It was full of love, affirmation, and adoration that made your knees weak and your head throbs with a newfound hope only he could install in you. He was hot and made you believe in your future, if you weren't careful this broken Brooklyn boy was going to steal your heart. WAIT-

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