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that they are owed something; forgiveness, however, is for those who are substantial enough to move on."

    A muscular man clad entirely in a, black catsuit? Came into view before slamming into me from behind, knocking me down.

"Dahlia!" James yelled. The man had on a full face mask with pointed ears, almost like a cat or a panther. The cat guy extends his fingers and sharp, pointed claws pop out making my eyes flick up to his masked ones and widen. He attacks me with sweeping kicks and slashes, while I fight back swinging around and landing a few good hits, I used my legs to propel myself onto his shoulders, choking him with my thighs while I used my elbow to land blows to his head. He wrapped his arms around my thighs, grabbing harshly and throwing me into a wall. The cat dude swipes his claws and spins gracefully turning his attention to James while I try to regain my strength. James blocks a couple of slashes before being backed up against a cement wall. He narrowly avoids being slashed, holding up a metal bar to protect himself from the crazed cat man. Meanwhile, Steve finished fighting off the cops, looking down at the scene. His partner Sam swoops down from the sky looking for the commotion.

"Sam, southwest rooftop," Steve says after locating the two of them himself.

"Who the hell's the other guy?" Sam shouts.

"I'm about to find out," Steve said before leaping down the balcony to the next building. A chopper comes flying up to accompany him. The cat guy is continuing to lunge at James with his claws nearly killing him. James, fortunately, stops him by grabbing into his wrists.

"Sarge, chopper on your six!" I shout, noticing the chopper approaching a soldier with a machine gun at the ready. Bucky turns his head, letting go of the cat guy, who's also distracted by the chopper. He manages to squeeze through with only a small cut on his cheekbone. Running to me as the soldier starts to open fire. The cat guy turns as the soldier fires, the bullets bouncing off his suit.

"Sam," Steve warns.

"Got him," Sam answered, swooping down and shoving the chopper of course before flying down towards the street level. I grab mine and James's backpacks that had fallen off in battle, chucking his to him as he joined my side, slinging the backpacks over our shoulders, the two of us start sprinting off the edge of the building. The cat guy chasing after you, he elegantly slides down the wall using his claws for traction, Steve not far behind him. Once James and I land, we both start darting down the street, the cat guy not far behind. With my widow instincts kicking in, I start slowing down.

"Allison?! What are you doing," James shouts, looking behind his back at me.

"Shut up," I shout back, "keep running I'll catch up!" I smile at him, slowing down until I'm side to side with the cat man. I swoop mu leg down, tripping him. Grabbing at my combat belt, I stick a bomb to his suit. I know it won't kill him but it will definitely slow him and the Steve guy down. Speeding back up to a full sprint I book it back to James. After hearing the satisfying sound of the bomb I planted going off, James and I jump through an opening, landing in an underpass. The two of us weave our way through traffic, hearing the distant sounds of sirens, gunfire, and helicopters. The cat guy and Steve are following now at a more breathable distance thanks to me. Looking back, I spot a Special Forces Vehicle pursuing the two of us now as well.

"Stand down! Stand down!" A cop yelled through the megaphone, his german accent making it almost unintelligible. As the vehicle closes in on us, the blue and red lights can be seen through the corner of Steves's eye. Steve hops onto the vehicle and splinters the windshield. The driver stops, unable to see the road ahead, Steve uses this opportunity to yank the drive from the car. Kicking the windshield out Steve drives off. James runs over the top of a speeding car, grabbing my arm to pull me up with him, I outpace it. The cat guy only a few cars behind is keeping a shocking pace with James and I. The cat guy hops on the back of the 4x4 that Steve is driving, trying to level the playing field. Steve tries the knock the guy off by swerving from side to side, but to no avail.

"Sam, I can't shake this guy," Steve says in his comms.

"Right behind you," Sam responds. The tension grows as several police cars join the chase. Steve gets stuck behind a car and side-swipes it, continuing to drive on. Up ahead James and I reach a fork in the road and face oncoming traffic. I hop on his back and he jumps over a barrier, after making it over I hop off and continue running like we'd done it a thousand times before, because we had. Steve, not having the time for elegance, drove straight through the barrier. As we run, James and I both spot a motorcycle speeding straight towards us. We both look at each other and nod, basically telling each other our mutual plan. James immediately goes into action, grabbing the handlebar and spinning it around in mid-air, throwing the rider off. While I jump onto the back of the bike, James lands on the front. I grab onto his torso as he speeds away, sending cars steering out of the way. Steve keeps on our tail with the cat guy holding onto the back of the 4x4, all of us rocketing through the underpass. Sam finally decides to make an entrance, flying into the underpass to try and grab the cat. But the cat guy leaps off the from of the car and onto James and I's bike. I land a kick to his face send him moving back, just where I wanted him, I nudged my foot and arm under his body

"Cat coming your way, Sarge," I warn before launching the guy forward. James flings him over his head and the bike leans down on its side, kicking the assailant away he straightens himself up and rides on. The cat guy didn't give up so easily, grabbing onto Sams's leg, Sam tried to kick him off but to no avail.

"Dahlia, here," Bucky says, bringing my attention back ahead, I grab onto the sticky bomb and throw it at the roof at the end of the underpass. It blows up, bringing tons of rubble tumbling down. The cat jumps off Sams's leg and knocks James and I off the bike, the three of us tumbling down on the other side of the debris. Steve swerves the 4x4 through the remains, leaping out and pulling the cat guy away from both James and I. James and I lock eyes, our hands sliding across the concrete to lay on top of one another, we both help each other stand up, hands locked. Steve then stands, facing the sleek and muscular masked cat man. Then comes the entourage of police surrounding them, guns aimed and loaded. A machine man flies down with his hands out and ordering them all to stand down as James leads me to stand beside Steve who puts his shield on his back.

"Congratulations, Cap. You're a criminal," the machine-man says, motioning for the police to move in. They do as told, forcing James and I down on our knees. The cat guy raises his hands as a cop moves steves arms behind his back, he retracted his claws and removed his mask. It was the new king of Wakanda, King T'challa, the son of King T'chaka whom we presumably killed. That makes sense now, but how did he get a hold of vibranium? His country was poor, it didn't make sense. I look towards Steve and the machine guy who'd removed his mask as well. It was James Rhodes, or otherwise known as War machine. Steve and Rhodes both had looks of curiosity on their faces. I then turned my attention to James who was already looking at you. He mouthed a 'We'll be ok, I love you, Dahlia' towards me. I nodded mouthing an 'i love you too' back while the both of us were hauled flat on the ground.

"Wie lautet der Befehl?" (What's the order?) one of the officers asked.

"Your highness," Colonel Rhodes said, nodding to T'challa.

( 1461.)
( April 6th, 2022 )

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