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but she wanted him to know that in the future there would be. A kiss in so much loneliness was like a hand pulling you up out of the water, scooping you up from a place of drowning and into the reckless abundance of air. A kiss, another kiss.

    Waking up to an unforgiving headache quickly reminded me of the fake interrogation I had just moments ago. Or was it hours? Days maybe? That was the worst thing about the widow making an appearance; whatever she did during her playtime was always left unknown by me until I fell asleep. Once the dreaded thing my body needed took over, the widow was in control of the movie theater my hippocampus provided, an extra and long lasting torture provided by Hydra. Thanks guys! Slowly the memories of before the widow came resurfacing and along with the disorientation came the cold, calculating stare of the man named Zemo. He had the book and the code words for the widow as well as the soldier. The sudden memory of James's other half jolted me back into awareness of my situation. I was alone and had 4 large metal straps pushing my arms against the wall in what looked like an abandoned building. Maybe a warehouse of some sort? The floors were an old, dark gray cement that was cracking in at least a thousand different places.The walls weren't much better being almost completely covered in a thick green moss that looked like it had been growing for over a few centuries. After finishing my assessment of the room I started my self check up. Everything hurt and my head felt like it was collapsing in on itself, leaving me to suffocate underneath the rubble of the aftermath. I was trying suck some air into my lungs but it burned, it burned so bad I felt like every breath of air was just adding gasoline to the flames. But hey, at least nothing was broken. Bright side? I tried calling out for James but had no such luck, not yet being able to find my voice. I pushed and heaved trying to signal that I was ok, to see if he was anywhere close by. My throat felt like sandpaper and my lungs were toast but I was finally able to let out a croak.

"Jamie," I called, however it sounded more like a frog underwater, muffled and wet. I waited a second to see if he could have heard my sorry excuse for a call before trying again. "James, are you there?" I managed to huff out a little louder this time, my sad warm up call helping coat my throat in enough saliva to at least sound less dead. The air musty, the scent of the overgrown scenery not helping to clear the air at all. The only reprieve of the air was the barely noticeable hints of old sanitation.

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James woke up in a large open room, his head pounding, and faint screams of someone familiar, someone that was important. Oh shit! Allison! His head jerked in the direction of her voice, trying his damndest to find a way to her. Reality was, he had no idea where he was let alone her, he also couldn't think straight with the memories of what the soldier had done when he was in control flooding his brain at a million miles a minute. This making it impossible to think about anything. Everything was loud, so loud that the corners of his vision started to go white, a signal he was about to pass out from overexertion as he continuously shoved and jerked against his restraint. He was trying to get to her, she was the only one who helped the noise, and he could barely breathe knowing she was somewhere close but was prevented from seeing her or touching her or even making sure she was ok. The distance shouts of a man with a barely noticeable southern twang brought his attention back to the present.

"Hey, Cap, we got live ones!" The voice signaled to his accomplice that both the soldiers were awake. Both men then proceed to enter the room James was in. He didn't recognise the shorter of the two men but he seemed familiar. The man was dark in complexion with a study build. His posture basically screamed military as well as his air of mistrust in the presence of James, military men were often always on the cautious side of things. It was always a dead give away. Bucky did however recognise the second man and his heart dropped to the very bottom of his feet. His blonde hair, pale skin, wide set shoulders, and small waist set off loud blaring alarms in James's head, screaming at him that this man was dangerous and unknown. James remembered him though, his name was Steve and he was his best friend before whatever happened to him happened. James had trusted him with his life at one point. But now? He wasn't so sure. However, James did know that Steve wasn't going to harm him or Mirasol and physically relaxed when he first entered the room.

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