Chapter 28: Help

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No one's POV

Sana and Mark arrived at the house without having talked to each other during the ride. Mark tried to talk with her, but Sana quickly left the car and walked to her room. Sana is still hoping that she can easily escape to this and wanted to stay forever to Tzuyu but she doesn't know how and she was afraid to make mistake because she knows that it will make the situation worse. She wanted to call her brother, but she couldn't since her father had taken her phone and she couldn't contact anybody else. A minute later of having a deep taught, someone knocked.

Sana: What?!

She said upset. Mark entered the room with food on his hand.

Mark: I brought you some foods.

Sana: I don't need it.

She intently rejected it cause Mark to get mad.

Mark: You know Sana, I'm just controlling myself to do something to thankful that I'm still being nice to you, the fact that I know that I will never get chance.

Sana: Then, why are you still doing this? You could just disagree to this.

Mark: Tsk! But I want it and you can't stop this. Even your father has nothing can do with this.

Sana: What do you mean?

Mark: Do you know what the reason behind this? Huh?

Sana shook her head.

Mark: Hmm...well, let say that your father had a large amount of debt from my father. You're father's company has been down for years, he borrowed money from father to invest it again to his company but it didn't work father started to asked payment from your father but he doesn't have money to pay back.

Sana tried to calm herself and not trying to think that her father used her for payment.

Mark: And my father decided if he can't pay for his debt, my father will get his company but your father doesn't want to give it. So, if you're blaming us for this, don't blame everything to us. Blame your father for suggesting this marriage, he said that he will give that company for payment but he still the one who will manage it and to make that happen I'm going to marry first I disagree but when I see you at the dinner night, I changed my mind.

Mark went near to Sana and tried to hold Sana's hand but Sana pulled it.

Mark: I also heard that you're pregnant, don't worry I will accept the baby. Just accept the reality that you're going to marry me...take a rest now, Love.

Mark said while saying the last word in a teasing way, Sana starting to get mad of what Mark called her.

Mark: Nice endearment with Chou. You should start calling me that, I will be your husband soon, Love.

Then he left leaving a smirk to Sana.

Sana's POV

I locked myself for two days in this room, not wanting to have more interaction with the cruel people who live here. I was thinking a plan to escape this place but someone interrupt.

Sana's Mom: Sana it's me.

Sana: M-mom?

Sana's Mom: Can I come in?

I open the door and I saw my mom with someone, it's my brother. I immediately asked them to come in and lock the door.

Sana: Oppa!

I said excitedly and hugged him.

Sehun: I'm so worried about you, you didn't came home for many days. Then I heard from your mom that you're pregnant.

Sana: Yes I am, and how did you...

Sehun: Your mom called me, she's so worried about what father can do to you and she asked for my help.

Sana's Mom: I'm so sorry Sana, that you're experiencing this. I'm such a bad mom to you, all this time I didn't realize that you are suffering from us. I hope you can still forgive me and give me a chance to make it up to you.

I started getting tears in my eyes when I heard those words from my mother. Finally, I got the feelings of care from my real mother. I can feel the sincerity in her tone, I give her my tightest hug and she hugged back crying in my shoulder. I'm happy to be embraced by my mother.

Sana: I will always forgive you, Mom and I'm sorry for treating you bad...

Sana's Mom: Stop, I understand that.

Sana: But Oppa, what if they caught you...what if they will do something bad to you also?

Sehun: Don't worry, I'll do anything for you to get you out of here.

Sana: What about Tzuyu?

Sehun: I will bring you to him and I'll make sure that Dad couldn't get a little chance to do something to you.

Sana: Thank you, Oppa.

Sehun: You're welcome, all we need to do is to made a plan.

I smiled and nodded, but I got panicked when I heard footsteps approaching. I became worried and tried to hide my brother so that they would not notice him. He hides under the bed when someone forcely knocked the door. My mother and I started to get scared.

Sana's Dad: Sana open the door?

I look at my mother, trying to think of what going to do. However, the door  began to open, showing that they may  have a key to the door. Mr. Tuan and my father was the one who to enter. When he saw my mother, he had a serious expression on his face.

Sana's Dad: What are you doing here?

He asked my mom wondering.

Sana: She just comforting me, Dad.

I replied nervously.

Sana's Dad: Whatever, ready yourself. We will leaving the country.

Sana: W-what?

Sana's Dad: We will go to America for the wedding. We decided to make the marriage early well your pregnant, you also need to get married for the baby and with Mark.

Sana: No! Dad please...why don't you just give your company to them. We can still start over, you know. Please Dad, if you really love and care about me...

Sana's Dad: Ready your daughter you'll coming too. We will wait outside.

He said to my mom and started leaving with Mr. Tuan. After we make sure that they already out. My brother get out under the bed and came to us.

Sana: Oppa, what will gonna do now?

Sehun: I'll help you escape, just go with them they have many security guarding outside. We cannot escape that easily and stick besides your mom. I will follow you and I'll contact mom for what your going to do, you understand? Just trust me.

I nodded and hugged him for the last time. I get ready and leave with my mom. We saw them waiting for us and we saw a three cars.

Sana's Dad: Ride to the other car with Mark.

He said to me.

Sana: Can I just ride with Mom?

I asked pleading.

Sana's Dad: Your making it hard, fine get inside.

He told us to join him on his ride. My mother and I sat in the back row,  while my father sat in the front row.  The Tuans are in the other car, and the guards are in the last car, leading us to the airport. During the  ride, I noticed my mother making  contact with someone, possibly my  Oppa. I hope everything goes well and nothing goes wrong.


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