The Grind

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‼️⚠️Content Warnings: sexual harassment⚠️‼️

A loud groan escaped Jimin's sleep-swollen lips as he woke up, turning off his alarm. He grimaced when he remembered what day it was and what he'd have to deal with. The alarm served as a bitter reminder.

Work. Gross.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and slid his socked feet into his chick slippers. Yawning, he rubbed his eyes and pouted. Jimin grabbed his phone and opened the group chat.

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Jimin chuckled and pocketed his phone, finishing up before grabbing his keys and wallet to head to work

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Jimin chuckled and pocketed his phone, finishing up before grabbing his keys and wallet to head to work.

The drive was a long one, so Jimin checked YouTube to see if there was any new content from Golden JK. There was nothing, so Jimin instead put on an old live of his just to listen to in the car. He only listened to the videos in the car, finding the younger man's voice calming. He preferred to listen when he wasn't busy, but more often than not, he was forced to talk on the phone about work while driving toward the building. He always had a lot to do on workdays. Even though he had "hours" to work, it was only for show. He'd often work earlier and later than the times he was "supposed" to be there. Jimin had a job to do and it was important.

He worked at the famous Ep!cMAX gaming, one of the leading companies in game development. When Jimin first submitted his application and résumé to the company, he was young, fresh out of college, and full of hope. That was quickly and firmly squashed. Even though he applied to multiple places as a developer, he didn't get a job offer anywhere except for at Ep!cMAX... as the personal assistant of the alpha company owner, Choi Sung-ho.

So Jimin was in the place of his dreams, just not in the position of his dreams.

In the beginning, Jimin was still hopeful. The fact that the Choi Sung-ho wanted him had the young omega starstruck. He had been following Sung-ho and Ep!cMAX since he got into games. He was a big name in the industry and could turn Jimin's life around. Sung-ho could make Jimin into something big, something great. So he would try to work and get the trust of his boss, only to deal with condescending and inappropriate remarks and never progressing in the company. He found himself stuck in a job he hated, but was thankful to at least be in the building where it happened.

"Ah, Jimin, you're here, right on time," Choi Sung-ho commented, his burnt wood smell hanging heavy in the office.

The combination between Sung-ho's scent and vocal tone made Jimin scrunch his nose. Sung-ho's scent was Jimin's least favorite thing, second only to the man himself. It was overpowering, contaminating. Of course, the alpha didn't use blockers. He was much too proud and full of himself to even keep them under control. The CEO would use his pheromones often, even his alpha eyes. Thankfully, he never used his voice, but would get pretty close to it. Sung-ho oozed power and he got off on it.

Jimin's heavy feet dragged him to the older man and he gulped. He placed the coffee down on Sung-ho's desk, only for Sung-ho to grab his hand when he moved to retract it. The touch was burning, making Jimin itch. All he wanted was to wash his hands and wrist until they were once again clean.

"M-Mr. Choi?" Jimin internally cursed himself for stuttering.

"Yes, Jimin?" He rubbed his thumb along the scent gland in Jimin's wrist, pressing into it, making Jimin's sweet scent cling to the alpha despite Jimin not wanting it.

Jimin's eyes twitched, reeling back his own pheromones. He'd be damned before he would let Sung-ho smell as if they were together. "Sir, could you please refer to me as Mr. Park?"

"Why so impersonal, Jimin?" Sung-ho quirked an eyebrow, his scent elevating.

"Is there any reason for you to be holding my hand?" Jimin's tone was dead, his words blunt. His patience was wavering. It was too early to be dealing with this.

"You seem to have something on your mind. What is it?" Sung-ho cracked a smile, brushing some of Jimin's soft, golden hair behind his earring-adorned ear. His fingers lingered, eyes flickering over Jimin's body, landing on his plump lips, drawn out in a straight line due to his unease.

Jimin exhaled, flashing his famous that the alpha always told him he should show more. "I was wondering if I could submit an application to be a develop—"

"Developer? Don't be silly. You belong where you are." Sung-ho shut Jimin down right away.

With a sigh, Jimin visibly deflated, attempting to pull back his hand, only for Sung-ho's grip to tighten on him. Jimin's heart was going crazy and his whole body itched, his fight, flight, or freeze at an all-time high. Jimin's mind was glowing cloudy, his breathing speeding up as his anxiety skyrocketed.

Dirty, dirty, let me go. Need my meds. I can't—

Sung-ho pulled Jimin closer, pressing his nose close to Jimin's neck, causing goosebumps to erupt all over the omega's body. He inhaled deeply, a low groan escaping as Jimin's legs trembled. The alpha's pheromones got thicker, clearly aroused, liking the way the omega smelled—sweet, airy, pure.

"Jimin-" Sung-ho breathed out, another rumbling groan shaking Jimin to the core- "I always love the way you smell post-heat."

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