Wish I Wasn't

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‼️⚠️Trigger Warnings: Recounts of sexual harassment, panic attack⚠️‼️

Keys clinked loudly as Jimin threw them on the coffee table, his breathing like if he just took part in a triathlon. Tears streamed down his face as he scratched at himself, disgust bubbling in his gut.




Jimin sniffled as he unlocked his phone, going online to order scent blockers. His blurry gaze tried and failed to focus on the pills, only for Jimin to ultimately decide against purchasing them.

Instead, Jimin stripped himself down, his skin prickly. He stumbled into the bathroom, turning the shower to its highest setting and stepping in. Jimin automatically took to lathering himself down with soap,




When Jimin left the shower, his skin was red and a little numb, sufficiently cleansed of what happened at work. Despite nothing too physical having happened, what did happen was traumatic in itself. Having someone comment on Jimin's post-heat smell, breathing him in so close to his scent gland while caressing the one on his wrist... it was a breach of privacy, to say the least. And the way Sung-ho's nauseating stench stuck to Jimin's skin was enough to make Jimin sick. If he had only leaned in a few more centimeters, he would have easily been able to scent Jimin.

The mere thought was enough to make a shiver run down Jimin's spine.

This had been going on for a long time. It started out simple enough. Sung-ho would treat Jimin and the other omegas slightly different than the other fertility-classes. Jimin didn't think much of it at first. He assumed Sung-ho was just softer with omegas.

But over time, Jimin started to hate this special treatment more and more.

The first time Jimin felt uncomfortable with Sung-ho was went he complimented Jimin's lipgloss. Jimin was sitting at his desk, working, when he suddenly received the compliment. It made his spine tingle with unease. He didn't know why, but a simple compliment was enough to have him tossing and turning at night, unable to get the account out of his head.

He realized it was because it was off. Jimin noticed that Sung-ho didn't give any of this type of attention to anyone else, just omegas. As someone who always enjoyed praise, Jimin felt confused as to why praise from Sung-ho was less than satisfactory.

The omega convinced himself that he was imagining things. Choi Sung-ho was an upstanding man and alpha and his reputation was great. He knew how to command a room, so Jimin told himself that he was just a little shy and intimidated. Jimin told himself that his unease was all in his head.

But things continued to make Jimin feel off.

Brushes of the hand, gentle oats on the shoulder, his tone when talking to him, everything had Jimin on high alert. This deep seed was planted, blossoming into nausea with every kind act Sung-ho did. It messed with Jimin's anxiety.

No matter how Jimin felt, he just couldn't leave though. There was something debilitating about the power dynamics. Boss and employee, elder and younger, rich and lower middle class, alpha and omega. It all made Jimin feel small. Sung-ho held power over him. He was the key to Jimin's paycheck. People always question why victims don't leave the workplace, but forget that it's their livelihood. If Jimin lost his job, he couldn't eat. Not to mention the fact that if Sung-ho so wished it, he could ruin Jimin's already nonexistent reputation to the point of no return. Sung-ho felt like a predator, and Jimin, an injured prey. If Jimin took it to court, nothing would happen. It's not like he could afford to do it anyway. Biases still existed. People would side with Sung-ho over a nobody any day. They'd just say he was after money and fame.

Jimin cried as he dressed in his pajamas, deciding against dinner because of the state of his stomach. Instead, he climbed in bed, bundled up, grabbed his iPad, and took to Youtube. He opened Golden JK's YouTube channel, needing to clam his nerves. He had meds to take to calm him down quicker, but they would make him pass out. He wanted to stay awake, fill his brain with something else... someone else, or else he might dream of his boss. Jeon Jungkook was the perfect replacement. He was soft, pretty, goodhearted. His muscled, pierced, and tattooed body didn't take away from how much of a sweetheart and cute dork he was. Jimin loved it. A faint smile made its way to Jimin's face, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He let the younger beta's content distract him, pretending to not exist.

Oh, how I wish I wasn't an omega.

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