You Wouldn't Understand

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Jungkook wiped the tears from the omega's eyes. "Jimin. You'll go far, and if you are hardworking enough, there's nothing you can't do."

Jimin chuckled sadly. "There are many things I can't do. For example, I can't feel comfortable going out by myself at night—or even in the daytime because some twisted fucker could mess with me. When I presented, I had to stop having sleepovers because of fear of my friends or anyone else in the house overstepping their boundaries."

He looked at the ceiling. "I can't wear pretty clothes without being called a slut. I can't wear clothes that cover more without being called a prude. I can't go out to a bar or club without people just assuming I want to go home with them. I can't turn down giving someone my number without being harassed."

The omega kept crying. "I can't work as what I want. I couldn't easily find an apartment or other place to live without having to worry. I can't feel safe meeting new people. I feel like I have to hide when I'm in heat, even in the last few days."

With a sob, he covered his face. "I always have to lock my car right when I get inside. I have to avoid stairwells and anywhere that isn't well lit. I have to fucking stay in a box. I can't have or do anything, Jungkook. What is there that I can do?"

Jungkook slowly removed the omega's hand on his face. "Jimin. The least thing you can do is to quit, but I know you will not do it for now because you told me to give you time to think about it. But I don't want you to regret anything. You will go up. Serendipity is the start. Me, and your friends? We can help you. Staying in a company for so long, and the fact that it makes you uncomfortable will not do good for you. You will be stuck there if you don't make a move."

"I said I had to find a new job first."

"You should start finding it once you feel better. I can help you find a new job. But Jimin, please don't be hard on yourself..."

"No, you can't find me a new job." Jimin shook his head. "It has to be me. I don't want your financial help or help with my job. All I really have is my economic independence. I refuse to accept help from anyone."

Jungkook looked down. "I'm sorry... It just breaks me to see you like this..."

More tears cascaded down Jimin's face. "Being treated like 'just' an omega, like you have no value, like it's to be expected to be completely dependent on a beta or alpha... you wouldn't understand. You wouldn't understand what it's like."

This is the time to say it.

"That's not true." Jungkook cupped his cheeks, wiping the omega's tears away.

"How would you know?"

Jungkook felt nervous. "Because, Jimin, I'm not a beta. I'm an omega."

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