What to Do?

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Humming, Jungkook tossed and turned in bed, debating what to do. He had fallen into a habit of not doing things, but he was ready to get out of that. It was time to get back into the swing of things. He just didn't know how he would go about it.

Jungkook had been playing games his entire life. The beta had taken to YouTube at the age of eighteen, finally showing off his skills. He gained supporters for being active and good at playing different games. He was known for being an ace in computer games and picked up fame. T1 Gaming recruited him and he was made the leader of the team despite being the youngest, his skills earning him respect among his seniors. No one argued against him being the leader because everyone knew his worth. He played in other competitions and won many awards, making his country proud.

Today, he was back from his short vacation. He went through his brain, trying to figure out what to stream or upload. His fans, Goldens, had gone a long time without new content. They were understanding, happy the twenty-four year-old finally got a break. He was grateful for their support and wanted to thank them with content. With his busy schedule, the only things he had to love beside his game, team, and family were his fans. He wouldn't be where he was today without them.

He turned on his computer to find something new and interesting to play, wondering what sort of genre he should delve into. Jungkook wanted to do something surprising, something that others weren't doing. He also wanted something that would surprise him. With gaming being his profession, his leisure games became even more important. He wanted a challenge, not something he could easily speed run.

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Jungkook installed the game on his computer

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Jungkook installed the game on his computer. He was amazed at the graphics and visualization of Serendipity. He created an account and logged in to the game. It was smooth and had no signs of lagging. The two main characters of the game on the title screen grabbed his attention, especially the man with the silver hair, silver eyes, and pretty, dangly earrings. Jungkook found him beautiful, blushing at how beautiful the character was. He automatically knew he was going to be his favorite. His soft, yet sharp features filled the young beta with awe and made his heart flutter.

The other character seemed cool too. He seemed to be the one that would be played. Jungkook felt a connection to this character, cocking his head to the side. The character was taller than the silver-haired man, bulkier, but he didn't seem intimidating. His hair and eyes were golden, eyes big and innocent looking. Jungkook smiled, liking how the characters didn't seem to fit one sort of mold. He wasn't a big fan of being forced into roles. Choosing to take roles was one thing, but being forced was a completely different thing.

For some reason, Jungkook resonated with the blond character. The art was beautiful and the background music wasn't too complex, but it was beautiful, a voice, presumably female, humming softly, harmonizing with themself. It was calming, yet mystic. There was so much detail and the game was super polished for an indie game done by one person. It was something one would expect from a team of people.

The developer did a great job making this game. Now, let's try it.

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