Hold Onto Hope

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Jimin's leg bounced up and down erratically as his hands gripped the armrests of the chair. His eyes darted around the private room of the fertility clinic, the scent purifiers thankfully doing their job and preventing the room from smelling like burnt vanilla sugar. However, Jungkook could smell it.

The sight of Jungkook's left hand gently caressing Jimin's right brought the older omega out of his own mind a bit, bringing him back to earth. He looked at Jungkook and the younger reached his other hand over to cup Jimin's face and coax his bottom lip from his teeth.

"Calm down, Angel. We're here together."

"I-I know. I'm just. I'm j-j-just..."

"Nervous? Excited? I feel the same way too, but don't worry. It's going to be okay." Jungkook smiled.

Jimin exhaled shakily and kissed Jungkook, calming down just before there was a knock at the door.

"C-Come in," Jimin said, blushing.

An older doctor walked in, smiling at the couple. Her hair was tied up in a neat bun, streaks of gray complimenting the almost jet black of the rest of her hair. "Hello, Mr. and Mr. Jeon-Park, I am Dr. Choi. I'm the doctor assigned to you. You two are here for help with having a child?"

She sat down so she was no longer looming over them.

Jimin looked down and placed a hand over his stomach.

Jungkook held his hand, looking at the doctor. "Yes."

She looked through her iPad. "I'm looking through your charts now. You're both cis male omegas. I can see why you're having issues, looking through your readings and family histories. But I think it's possible for you two to still have a biological child."

Closing his eyes, Jimin let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding.

Jungkook felt relieved as well. "Really? Is it really possible?"

Dr. Choi nodded. "There are two possible routes that I think would work well with you two. I'll go over the first, most popular method first."

The couple nodded.

"Mr. Jungkook has higher testosterone levels out of the two of you. Mates naturally work to complement each other, so Mr. Jungkook's wolf produced more testosterone while Mr. Jimin's produced more estrogen. I'm sure you've noticed this in the way you two act, with who is the most territorial out of the both of you. So it'd be more natural and less strenuous to work with the differences between your wolves rather than flip them."

"So I should carry," Jimin summed up for Jungkook, "and Jungkook should provide the sperm."

The doctor nodded. "Exactly. We usually do this between beta-omega or cis-het omega-omega couples that are having issues concieiving, but one option is hormone therapy. In short, it would only affect Mr. Jungkook. He would be put on a dose of testosterone to make him more 'alpha' and would trick his wolf into—"

Jimin cleared his throat loudly. "No. Absolutely not."

"What's the other option for this? I think the first option is too much." Jungkook said.

"Is that what you think, Mr. Jungkook? We can talk one-on-one—"

"No." Jimin crossed his arms. "I'm mated to an omega. Jungkook is an omega. Look through his files again. He was on heavy suppressants for years. His OB said he was lucky to have his wolf intact afterward. He can't take hormonal birth control or use scent suppressants for an extended period of time now."

Jimin's eyes watered as he remembered Jungkook's first few heats and how long, tiring, and intense they were. He remembered how Jungkook's wolf was restless, needy, unable to fully calm down without Jimin's wolf around to ease him. Jungkook had been easily tired and more sensitive to pheromones for a while as his wolf recovered. There was no way Jimin was going to let anyone touch Jungkook's wolf.

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