The Meet Up

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Content Warning: Anxiety attack


The omega smiled, a bag situated on his back as he held his cat close to him, waving excitedly at the younger. The action was enough to have his dangly earrings sway and the elder giggled. "Hi, Jungkook!"

He's so cute. I'm going feral

Jungkook stared at Jimin for a minute. He was starstruck and couldn't even speak for a while.

Jimin approached Jungkook before slowly raising his index finger, poking Jungkook's nose. "You okay, Starry Eyes?"

Jungkook came back to his senses. "Y-yes! I-I'm not late, right? What time did you arrive here?"

"Calm down. We haven't been waiting here long." Jimin smiled brightly, his scent sweetening.

"Let me help you bring your things to my car." Jungkook slowly approached the omega, still processing that he's in front of him.

Jimin hummed, letting Jungkook grab his bag and let carrier while he nuzzled Alley. "Is it okay for her to sit in my lap in the car or would you rather I put her in the carrier?"

"It's okay for her to sit in your lap." Jungkook smiled. "Let's go?"

The omega nodded, getting into the car and cuddling his cat as he watched Jungkook. "You're really pretty in person."

Jungkook blushed. "Th-Thank you. You too. Do you want me to play some music?"

"Only if you sing along." Jimin giggled.

"I will!" Jungkook excitedly said. He turned on the radio, and Troye Sivan's 'There For You' played.

"Do you know this song, Minie?"

The omega nodded, petting behind the cat's ears. "I do."

"Then, sing along with me."

This made Jimin blush. "I... I'm not a good singer."

"How will I know if you won't let me hear it? I'm sure your voice sounds like an angel." Jungkook said.

With a cute exhale, Jimin's eyes fell closed and he sang. His voice was smooth and sweet, but quiet. He was too shy to open his eyes, so he hid his face in his cat's soft fur, singing along to the song.

Jungkook's heart fluttered, hearing the omega's smooth and sweet voice. He sang along with Jimin with a smile forming on his face. "See? I'm right. Your voice sounds like an angel."

"You're one to talk." He mumbled, blushing as he continued to keep his eyes closed.

"Are you okay? Do you have motion sickness?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin nodded. "I do get motion sick, but I'm okay right now. I'm just embarrassed over my singing."

Jungkook smiled. "Don't be embarrassed. You did great."

He scoffed. "You're good at everything. You probably could've been an idol."

"Nah. I wouldn't like being an idol. It's a hassle and you do not have enough freedom. It's a scary industry." Jungkook said.

The omega nodded. "But at least I'd be able to collect photo cards of your pretty face."

Jungkook softly chuckled. "I can print my pictures and give it to you."

Jimin looked Jungkook up and down. "Mm, and why would you do that?"

"So that you won't buy them anymore. I can give you free selfies." Jungkook laughed. They were almost close to his house. "We're almost near."

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