Doesn't Last for Long

904 71 13

Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment, slut shaming

Jimin was on cloud nine while getting ready for work. He had never felt so serene after a heat. Having someone to spend it with that he loved was a high like no other. Having his future bags publicly claim they were together had him even more in a stupor.

He drove while singing, Jungkook's scent still lingering. Jimin had sent him a good morning text with a selfie and a voice message, telling Jungkook how much he loved him. He was very much deep in the cupcake phase, but he was confident that the magic would never fade.

Skipping and dancing into the building, Jimin headed toward the elevator. People complimented Jimin. He wasn't even wearing makeup today, yet people told him he was glowing. Jimin believed them. He felt gorgeous, on top of the world.

Jungkook filled his thoughts as he made his way to the office. He sat down and opened his computer. His nails, adorned in white, reflective nail polish, shined as Jimin typed on his computer. He was swaying like a flower in the gentle breeze, excited for when he'd return to his apartment, where Jungkook was working and staying with Alley. Having someone to go home to was a beautiful feeling.

The scent of burnt wood eclipsed the room as a shadow appeared over Jimin's desk. The omega looked up from his laptop, blinking at the alpha before him.

"You look just peachy. What's the occasion?" The darkness continued to consume the room.

Jimin gulped. "N-Nothing in particular. Just woke up on the right side of the bed, I suppose." Woke up in Jungkook's arms.

Sung-ho narrowed his eyes. "Stop daydreaming like a teenager and get to work."

"Excuse me?" Jimin stood up. He refused to take anything from his boss today.

The alpha stepped forward as Jimin tried to maintain his stance, fighting the urge to backpedal.

"You're back from your heat."

"That I am."

"Spent it getting dicked down like a slut?"

Jimin clenched his fists. "What did you just say?"

Sung-ho crowded closer, the shadow he casted over Jimin even bigger. He leaned in as Jimin froze. The alpha smelled Jimin, contorting his face as he moved to look at Jimin.

"The smell is particular, unlike an alpha. A beta, or an omega, perhaps?"

Jimin tried to step back, wanting to keep Jungkook's scent to himself, but Sung-ho grabbed his wrist, eyes burning red. He leaned in and pressed his nose to Jimin's scent gland, scenting him.

"I didn't take you as someone who just spread his legs for anyone, Jimin. If you'll spend your heats with just anyone who will fuck, come to me next time. What you need is an alpha. What you need is me." His canines came out.

Without even taking a second to think, Jimin grabbed his belongings and ran out of the building, locking his car as soon as he sat inside. He whined as he looked at the mark left on his wrist, his skin already beginning to change color. Everything was so fast, he didn't even notice the tightness of the grip until now.

Jimin scratched at himself, Sung-ho's scent a slimy film. He couldn't breathe. He needed to get home. He needed to be cleaned.

I need Jungkook.

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