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"J-Jungkook?" Jimin asked shakily while holding the phone. "Where are you? I'm hiding in the elevator and I'm s-scared."

"I arrived along with the cops. They're heading inside now, and I'm waiting in the lobby. Which elevator, so that I can pick you up?"

"E-Elevator C," Jimin responded. "I'm so scared."

"Okay. Don't end the call, and wait for me." Jungkook saw a staff member and asked where elevator C was. The staff pointed to the left side and he headed towards there.

"Who's in the elevator with you?"

"J-Just me... just Minie..." Jimin exhaled. "W-Were you listening to it...?"

Jungkook felt relieved and he was so close to reaching elevator C. "I'm glad, and yes. I'm almost near. You're going to be safe. Don't worry."

Jimin sniffled. "He used his alpha voice on me. He talked bad about my mate. M-My Jungkook." He wiped at his tears.

Jungkook clenched his left fist. "Don't listen to him. He's an asshole. I arrived in front of elevator C. I'll wait for you here."

The older pressed his ear against the elevator to make sure Sung-ho wasn't close before finally unlocking the elevator and pressing the floor level. He stayed close to the buttons, ready to close them if they opened on a floor he didn't want.

Jungkook couldn't help but to feel nervous, and hoped that Jimin was safe inside the elevator. He was biting his nails, and was also waiting for the cops to get Sung-ho.

When the elevator opened, Jimin jumped into Jungkook's arms, tears streaming down his face. "J-Jungkook."

Jungkook held him tighter, scenting him to make the omega calm. "I'm here. You're safe, Angel."

He sniffled and scented Jungkook before moving behind him to hop on his back, wrapping his arms and legs around him and burying his face in his neck.

Jungkook held his legs so that Jimin won't fall, and they are now heading outside of the company. "The cops are probably in his office now, taking him in."

Humming, Jimin nodded and kissed Jungkook's neck. "They'll probably need me for questioning, right? Or have I answered enough of their questions?"

"They will probably ask a few questions, but don't worry. I won't leave your side."

They finally arrived outside of the building and the cops finally caught Sung-ho, who was trying to let go of their grip, and screaming that he's innocent.

"He!" Sung-ho pointed at Jimin. "He set me up! He was flirting with me!"

The CEO was forced into handcuffs and Jimin squeezed Jungkook closer.

"Go and take him to the police station." Jungkook said.

"You're going to have to follow for questioning," one of the officers responded.

"We have proof and testaments from omegas working underneath you that you were harassing them," the cop restraining the alpha said. "It's a big deal to do that to your workers, whether you believe omegas should have rights or not."

"Okay, we will go. Sung-ho, don't deny it anymore. You will pay for what you've caused." Jungkook smirked.

"And you're supposed to be? The filthy omega's boy toy?" Sung-ho snarled.

Jimin growled protectively, his pheromones heightening.

Jungkook scoffed. "I'm not his toy. I'm his boyfriend. How dare you speak like that to my omega, you shitty alpha?" He glared at him.

"You aren't even an al—"

"I don't want an alpha!" Jimin's eyes were red and his scent was spicy with anger, a growl rumbling with every word.

Jungkook caressed his legs, calming his omega. "And so? He loves me and I love him, and I'll take care of him and protect him from a dirty and shitty alpha like you."

"And what will you do? You're a nobody. I'm Choi Sung-ho."

Jimin chuckled and relaxed into Jungkook, wrapping his legs tighter around him.

Jungkook laughed. "A nobody? Really? As far as I know, everyone knows who I am. You can ask the people who are here, witnessing the CEO of a famous company, known for being a pervert and harassing omegas. I 'm not nobody, Sung-ho."

People were taking pictures and videos, so Jimin nervously whispered in Jungkook's ear, asking him to wrap up because they don't need the publicity.

"Please wrap this up quickly. Go and take him now. We will follow you at the police station." Jungkook said, walking away to go to his car.

"We're going to go to court. I'm so nervous," Jimin said as Jungkook helped him into the car. "But I can't wait until he's behind bars. Thank you. I couldn't do this without you."

Jungkook cupped his cheeks. "You don't have to be nervous. I'm perfectly sure that we will win this case. You always have me."

"I hope this won't negatively affect your career somehow." Jimin's eyes fell closed.

"I don't care about what will happen to my career. All I care about is you."

Jimin leaned forward and kissed him. "And I care about you. You love gaming. I won't let anyone take that away from you, even if that means I have to get out of the picture."

"I love gaming and you. If you leave me, I'll be sad and hurt." Jungkook pouted.

"It wouldn't be forever. But let's hope it never has to be talked about in detail." Jimin smiled. "Because although I want you to continue gaming, I want to be there at your competitions, cheering you on. And I want to be the one to make sure you're wearing your blue light filtering glasses and taking breaks. I want to be the one to massage your hands, neck, and back. I want to be your support system."

Jungkook pinched his nose. "And you will be. I want to see you cheering me, so that I have the motivation to win the competitions."

"Then I'll be your biggest motivator," Jimin promised with a smile, "and you'll be mine."

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