
1.9K 119 13

Content Warnings: nsfw, online harassment, slut shaming, body-based harassment

Jimin looked around his house once again to make sure it was clean. He paced the house, the air conditioning already set cold because his body temperature was already on the rise. Jimin was prepared—absorbent underwear, Gatorade, snacks, and more were set up already. He made sure he stocked up on batteries for his vibrator too.

I'm so nervous.

The omega groaned, fanning himself with his shirt as he continued to walk around in only his absorbent briefs, a long white t-shirt, and his chick slippers. He didn't know how close his first wave was, but he was hoping it could at least wait until Jungkook arrived.

I wonder how he's doing. He had to get time off to come. I feel bad...

Everyone should pray for me

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Everyone should pray for me. Jungkook smacked his cheeks. Jungkook, don't be distracted, okay? Just remain calm.

Jungkook finally arrived in front of Jimin's house. His hands were sweating, feeling nervous. He tried to calm himself first before knocking on the door.

"Jimin? I'm here."

The omega opened up, staring at Jungkook in a daze. Jungkook could smell that Jimin was definitely close to his first wave.

"H-Hi," Jimin forced out, face contorting as the cramps hit him.

Jungkook hurriedly went inside, closing the door. "I guess it's going to start soon? Where's your room? I mean, am I allowed inside, or should I just stay here in the living room?"

"You can come in. Lemme just..." Jimin stumbled around as he gave Jungkook a quick tour, showing him where things in the kitchen were and where to get things for Alley. He then took Jungkook's bags and put them in the guest room and told him he can set up his computer whenever before he winced, doubling over.

"It's okay. I can set up alone. Y-You can go and do your thing now." Jungkook smiled, grabbing his noise canceling headphones, and his laptop.

Help me.

Jimin's scent thickened and he shivered, staring at Jungkook with red eyes as he stood in place.

"Do you want me to carry you to your room?" He asked.

He nodded, dazed. "Help me."

Jungkook dropped his headphones as he carried Jimin in his arms and they headed to the omega's room.

He carefully laid Jimin on the bed, looking worriedly at the omega. "I'll go to the guest room now, okay? You can text me or call me if you need anything."

Jimin grabbed Jungkook's shirt and whimpered.

"What do you want me to do?" Jungkook asked, looking at his eyes.

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