It's Happening

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"Kookoo," Jimin sang tiredly as he cuddled his husband. He started scenting him as the sun shone through the window, making Jungkook's bare upper body glow. Jimin lazily kissed Jungkook, cuddling him.

Jungkook softly groaned, pulling Jimin closer to him, eyes still closed. "Angel..."

Jimin purred. "Your phone keeps ringing. Do you want me to answer it for you?"

"Yes, Angel." He hummed.

Yawning, Jimin grabbed the phone.

"Mm. This is his husband," Jimin responded groggily before jolting up. "Oh, I see. Yes, we'll be there. Thank you so much."

He hung up the phone and smacked Jungkook's ass. "Wake up. Get up. We gotta go!"

Jungkook was surprised as he sat up, eyes still closed. "Huh? Where are we going?"

"The clinic! We got a call from the doctor! It's time for implantation! I'm gonna get pregnant!"

Jungkook immediately got off the bed, and he smiled. "Really? Okay. Let's prepare now, and we will go right away!"

Jimin ran around the room, getting washed up, dressed, and ready before running to feed Bam and Alley and grab a muffin for himself and Jungkook, meeting his husband at the front door with a cute giggle.

He held out a blueberry muffin for Jungkook. "Ready to go?"

Jungkook smiled. "Yes, Angel." And he grabbed the blueberry muffin in the omega's hand.

They headed to the clinic quickly, everything a blur until they were in a room with Dr. Choi, waiting to hear the details.

"As you know, with a couple like yours, not as many eggs take as they do for others. But you did have a good number and I'm happy to say you can proceed to the next step."

Jimin blinked. "How many took?"


Jimin's eyes widened and he looked between Jungkook and the doctor, his heart pounding and hands shaking. "Th-Three?"

She nodded. "Of course, those are the ones most likely to develop. But you don't have to have them all. You could have two or just one and you could pay to keep the rest frozen for another try, or we'll dispose of anything you don't use."

"I want all three," Jimin said right away.

The doctor's eyes widened. "You should talk to your husband first. I'll step out and check on some other things and will see how you're thinking when I'm back." She bowed and exited the room, leaving the couple by themselves.

Jungkook held his hand. "I'm worried. Can you carry them all?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not getting any younger." Jimin scratched his head and bit his lip.

"I can carry one or two." Jungkook said.

"I want all three. You said yourself that you want three pups. And regarding your carrying any, I don't think you should. Not only do I want to be the one to carry them, but two pregnant omegas in the same house? That's a hormonal mess. Plus, your schedule is too stressful for growing pups. How will you do those long practices? How will you do competitions—especially if a baby is sitting on your bladder and makes you constantly have to pee all the time? Plus, what about the publicity it'd give T1?" Jimin went off on a tangent. "The stress of any haters could spread to one or both of us and would not be good for the pregnancy."

"You're right. It would be hard for me. Okay, I'll agree with you carrying three pups. But what's worrying me is your health, comfort, and your well-being." Jungkook said.

Jimin looked at him with his eyes sparkling. "But you'll take good care of me, and I'll work way less and take leave, right? You'll take the best care of me and our pups."

Jungkook nodded, and smiled. "Of course. I will take care of you."

"Our friends will probably help make sure I'm good too. So don't worry. Just support me and everything will be okay." Jimin grabbed Jungkook's hands and squeezed them.

Jungkook nodded. "Okay. I think we should tell the doctor our plans."

Jimin smiled. "Thank you for agreeing. Thank you for caring about my health too."

"I'll always care about you. I love you." Jungkook giggled.

"Mm, and I love you." He started peppering Jungkook with kisses and started scenting him when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Jimin called.

Dr. Choi stepped in the room. "Did you two come to a consensus?"

Jimin nodded resolutely. "We did. I'll carry all three, and we'll start the process today."

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