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"Are you nervous?" Jimin asked, massaging Jungkook's hands and stretching his wrists out as he watched his boyfriend's face with concern.

Jungkook nodded cutely, his red hair bouncing with each movement. "Yes. Oh my God. Give me good luck kisses, please."

Jimin kissed each of his fingers, his palms, his forehead, scent glands, and then finally, his lips. "You've got this, babe. You've been practicing hard, your team is great, and you all compliment each other. Plus, we dyed your hair, bringing back Cherry Koo, and I'm here too. It's just like last time. And like that time, you'll win again."

Jungkook felt relieved. "Thank you for always supporting me. I will win this competition. I'll give you a gold medal and a trophy in the finals." 

"You don't have to give them to me. They're yours. All I want is your love." Jimin kissed him again. "I'll be proud of you no matter what, and I'll cheer for you, wearing not only your merch this time, but your scent."

Jungkook pouted. "I want you to be with me on the stage and wear my medal. That would be cute."

"I can do that." Jimin smiled. "And you can kiss me on stage too, show everyone I'm your omega~"

"That's what I'm going to do." Jungkook smirked.

Jimin chuckled and went back to stretching and massaging Jungkook's hands. "I look forward to it."

Jungkook suddenly pulled him closer, cupping his cheeks. "Let me kiss you again before the game starts." He leaned closer and closer, faces inches apart.

"Captain, The game is about to start let's—oh, I'm sorry. You can continue." Seokhoon suddenly closed the door, and Jungkook was surprised.

Giggling, Jimin closed his eyes. "Looks like you're going to have to kiss me quickly."

Jungkook pressed his lips against Jimin's lips. "See you in the crowd, Angel."

"I'll be in the front this time." He winked and kissed him again. "I'll be cheering for you." 

"Okay. I gotta go now." Jungkook smiled before heading to the stage.

The League of Legends final tournament was finally starting. The contenders started introducing MD first, and when it was T1's turn, suddenly, the audience smelled something new. They started tweeting about it and Jimin finally arrived at the crowd, finding a perfect seat to sit at.

Jimin smiled at Jungkook and blew him kisses, cheering for T1 as people studied the omega, wanting to know more about the man who stole Jungkook's heart when the gamer was so focused on his craft up until now. Now, he not only focused on gaming, but on the pretty developer who was cheering him on and smelled interestingly of not only his natural, vanilla sugar scent, but heavily of mint Oreo.

"Wait, that's Minie!"

"I kept on telling you, but you wouldn't believe me!"

"He's so stunning in real life, no wonder Jungkook fell in love with him."

"He's so supportive!"

"But I'm smelling a not so familiar scent. It smells like Mint Oreo."

Jimin heard them, and smiled while continuing on cheering for T1. The first match ended and T1 won the game as they headed back to their waiting room, waiting for the second match.

"This is the finals. We have to do our best and pour everything into it. Minhyuk, please pay attention to the farm. Don't let the other opponent steal your buff. We can't let them get it. They will probably change their tactics, but we must be prepared. Relax and do what we practiced during our training match." Jungkook explained.

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