What is Going On?

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Why is everything so tense? Jimin wondered as his eyes gazed around the building of Ep!cMAX.

All of the stares and hushed whispers were really getting to him. He couldn't quite understand what was going on. Normally, no one paid him much attention. He just sort of existed.

When Jimin got closer to a group of people who were whispering, they all went back to work, side-eying the omega as he drew his eyebrows together.

He made a sharp turn and entered the bathroom, making sure no one was in it. Jimin looked at his reflection, even checking his teeth to see if there was anything in them. His hair was perfectly styled. His clothes were the right way and crisply pressed. The shine of his shoes was blinding. There wasn't even a smudge on the lenses of his glasses. So what could it be?

"They're all looking at me like I grew a second head. Am I... did I do something wrong? Am I getting fired? Is that why they're all whispering?" His eyes widened.

"Oh, I really hope I don't get fired. I don't know what else I'd do. This is the only place that even looked at my application. They see 'omega' and instantly add to the discard pile."

Unable to figure out what the big secret was, Jimin straightened his posture and headed toward Sung-ho's office. What he was met with only seemed to heighten Jimin's anxieties.

Sung-ho's scent was so bitter, it practically singed the hair inside Jimin's nose. It made Jimin feel woozy, on edge. His hands started to shake a bit and he didn't miss the not-so-subtle red tint to the alpha's eyes.

What did I do?

"Mr. Choi, what—"

"Do not talk, omega. There's a list of tasks to do. Do them. Your place is to work, as an assistant. That's all you are, and all you'll ever be."

Jimin headed to his own desk and saw the list.

"Sir, this is too much. How do you expect—"

"So you can't even perform basic tasks, omega? You forget your place. That list on your desk is a list of orders, not requests. Realign yourself, omega. It's unbecoming."

Biting his tongue, Jimin just bowed.

I really wish I knew what I did wrong.

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