How Dare He?!

941 73 7

Trigger Warning: Recounts of sexual harassment, panic attack

Jungkook giggled as he played with Alley, on his hands and knees as they wrestled. He only thought dogs were this playful, but Alley was a pleasant surprise. Jungkook loved her. Not only was she adorable and playful, but she protected Jimin, their Jimin.

When he heard the door unlocking, Jungkook looked at his watch, squeaking happily. Jimin getting home early was a rarity. He could cover his boyfriend in kisses early.

He ran toward the door, stopping abruptly when he saw Jimin, eyes bloodshot and skin covered in light red scratches. His scent was sour, bitter, and spicy, but more importantly, it was burnt, that familiar, disgusting odor instantly reminding Jungkook of who it belonged to.

He scented my omega.

He scented my Jimin.

However, it was when Jungkook saw Jimin's wrist, all blue and purple, that he snapped.

He walked toward Jimin until he screamed, dropping to the floor and curling up into a ball.

Jungkook was so worried. "Baby, what's wrong? I'm here. You're safe here..."

"H-He scented me." Jimin sobbed. "C-Called me a slut. Said I need an a-alpha, that I need his m-m-mark."

Jungkook clenched his fists. "Fuck him. How dare he scent my omega?" Jungkook didn't scream because he didn't want Jimin to feel even more scared.

"I'm getting worried. I-I don't want you to work with that company... I couldn't even protect you..." Jungkook kept on wiping the tears from Jimin's eyes.

"Dirty, scared," Jimin said brokenly. "Can't leave without notice... makes me look bad." He scratched as himself and shivered. "T-Tainted."

Jungkook started caressing his back. "I'll think of a way for you to get out from that shitty boss. I'm giving you a bath once you calm down."

"O-Okay." He sniffled. "I'm sorry. I'm a bad omega. D-Didn't keep him from scenting me..."

Jungkook shook his head. "You're not a bad omega. It's not your fault. You are the victim. The blame is on him. That shitty alpha needs to rot in hell." He gently wiped Jimin's tears again, and he kissed Jimin's forehead. "I'm going to bring you to the bathroom now."

Jimin let him grab him as he looked at Jungkook with teary eyes. "Am I ruined?"

"No, baby. You aren't." They arrived at the bathroom, and Jungkook carefully placed him on the small chair, caressing Jimin's cheeks. "I'll just prepare it. Do you want me to help you undress?"

He nodded and wiped his eyes.

"Okay. Wait a minute. I'll just prepare your bath, and will help you undress." Jungkook walked towards the bathtub as he started preparing it, checking the water if it's warm before heading back to Jimin who's waiting patiently for Jungkook.

Jungkook helped Jimin undress his clothes as he carried him, and carefully placed him inside the bathtub. "Is the temperature of the water okay for you?"

Another nod.

Jimin looked at his injured wrist. "Am I still pretty to you?"

"You are always pretty in my eyes, Jimin." Jungkook grabbed the loofah as he gently scrubbed Jimin's arms, careful not to be too hard on the omega.

"How does it feel? Tell me if it hurts."

Jimin blinked, his gaze empty. "Feels contaminated. Everything hurts."

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