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Jungkook ran around his house, cleaning. Today was an important day. Jimin was coming over and he wanted it to be perfect, so he made sure his house was spotless before running to the kitchen to prepare their meal.

The gamer felt his heart swelling as he cooked with love, feeling on top of the world. Being with Jimin was magical. He never experienced anything like it and he never wanted it to end.

Both of the omegas were on the tail end of their heat, still on leave. They had spent it at Jimin's this time because it felt more familiar. Jungkook asked if they could move over to his place after getting cleaned up and Jimin happily agreed, kissing him repeatedly as Jungkook tried to walk backwards out of his apartment. The pair were still clingy, a side effect of spending their heats together so intimately.

Jungkook knew that their omegas imprinted on each other.

His eyes fell closed as he ran his fingers over his neck, covered in hickeys that had yet to fade. It was his first time scenting and being scented so heavily, more accustomed to the softer version with simple kisses and cuddles that would last at most a day. But the more intimate scenting—scenting between lovers, bites licks, and all—Jungkook was already obsessed. Jimin's scent would stay much longer. He showered, yet it was still there, making him hug himself happily.

Slowly, his fingers explored more places, recounting how it felt to have Jimin touch him endlessly, more put together after their first wave. They worshipped each other, leaving every millimeter of their bodies covered in love and attention. Jungkook still felt airy, his omega telling him that Jimin was the one, that no other person would be enough. His omega wanted to mate permanently, exchange marks, have pups.

Jungkook squealed, imagining either one of them pregnant, imagining what their pups would look like. He was excited, emotions heightened by the leftovers of heat, making his mind fall deeper into the land of mating and making his own pack with Jimin, where their pups would most likely be purebred omegas, perfect.

Perfect because they'd be theirs.

Jimin, Jimin, Jimin. Jungkook's brain was full of Jimin. He cooked, cleaned again, made sure the set of bowls, litter box, and other things he bought for Alley were ready. His house had changed to accommodate his boyfriend and baby, just like Jimin's had changed so that the guest room could double as a work space for the younger. So no matter where they stayed, they were still at home, always welcome.

Jungkook couldn't wait for Jimin to finally arrive. He kept checking the time, pacing the house, dressed up in a button down, pale blue shirt, black skinny jeans, and his house shoes. He spent time doing his hair and even a touch of makeup, wanting to look his best. He wanted to surprise his boyfriend.

When Jungkook heard the door opening, he quickly ran to help Jimin, opening the door the rest of the way and hugging Jimin tightly, scenting him despite Jimin still carrying his minty scent. Jungkook purred, falling more deeply in love.

"Hey, baby. It hasn't been that long. Miss me already? We saw each other earlier today," Jimin said with a smile, setting Alley's carrier down before hugging the younger back, releasing pheromones to calm Jungkook and his hormonal omega.

Jungkook buried his face on the omega's neck. "Yes. I miss you already, baby."

"I missed you too." Jimin brought them apart just slightly to kiss him, massaging the younger's face with the soft pads of his thumbs. He rested his forehead against Jungkook's and just felt him, his heart beating contently.

When they finally broke away, Jungkook finally took in what Jimin was wearing and realized Jimin felt the same way for sure. He was wearing Jungkook's green sweater and light gray skinny jeans paired with white canvas shoes, the sweater eating him up, keeping him safe, and keeping Jungkook's scent close.

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