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Jungkook was bouncing his leg, going over the checklist on his iPad. This was a big deal to him. Not only would it be the first time spending Jimin's heat with him in such a way, but if his heat were to be triggered, it'd also be his first time ever spending his heat with someone else.

"Mm, baby, are you nervous?" Jimin asked, crawling up from his position lying on the bed to hug Jungkook from behind, covering him in tired neck kisses.

"A-A bit."

"There's no need. We've gone all the way before. This isn't our first time~"

"It's our first time in heat."

Jimin took Jungkook's ear into his mouth and started massaging him. "That'll just make it all the more better. Turn off your iPad. Minie will take good care of his omega."

Jungkook locked the tablet and set it on the bedside table, eyes falling closed as Jimin took his stress away. Groans escaped his mouth and he became pliant, his human and omega parts going completely submissive to their Jimin, their mate. They trusted Jimin with their all, knowing that no matter what, Jimin will put Jungkook's safety and comfort as his top priority.

A breathy moan escaped Jungkook as Jimin continued to massage and kiss him, whispering him words of affirmation and promising that everything would be okay, that Jungkook still had the ability to say no or slow down no matter what, that neither of them being in heat would change that.

The scents of vanilla sugar and mint Oreo hung thick in the air, the smells perfectly complementary to each other and making both of them feel a mixture of safety and arousal. Something about the way their scents melded was mouthwatering, a dessert reserved just for them. And Jungkook was so glad that he had stopped using blockers so he could witness this firsthand.

Swirling in a state of intense euphoria, Jungkook let Jimin take his stress away until they finally fell asleep, all tangled up in their nest, wondering how it would be, spending Jimin's heat together so intimately.

- 🎮 -

"Hey, Angel," Jungkook called as he walked out of the shower, drying his hair as he exited the shower. His hair was still wet, sticking to his face as droplets of water slid down his frame, only to hide underneath the towel tied around his hips, his Adonis belt prominent and on full display.

"I just got out of the shower. Do you want any fruit salad or—"

A pause.

A gentle thud as the towel in Jungkook's hand hit the floor.

The younger stared at Jimin as he felt himself getting high on the smell of vanilla sugar. He swallowed, clearly tasting it due to how potent it was. It was so much better than the last heat he was around for. His omega was going crazy. He was going crazy.

Wordlessly, Jungkook picked up Alley and gently setting the cat outside of the bedroom, closing the door. Not once did he take his eyes off the older omega who was spread out on the bed, dressed in his sheer black robe and his absorbent underwear.

Jungkook gulped.

His eyes burned red as he approached the bed, standing just at the foot of it. He was already becoming a mess, the shower he took just moments before now deemed obsolete with how much select was already dribbling down his thighs, making Jimin squirm more on the bed, rubbing his thighs together as he whined.

"You're finally back." Jimin propped himself on his elbows. "I thought I was going to have to start without you."

The younger omega's eyes scanned the bed, where he saw a dildo, a vibrator, condoms, and lube. He shook his head, looking back into Jimin's eyes as he responded.

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