Our Perfect Palace

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"Jungkook, calm down, I'm the one about to give birth, not you." Jimin giggled, sweating while he waited for his doctor to arrive.

"I can't help it, Angel. I'm excited and nervous at the same time." He bit his nails.

Jimin looked at the video camera. "Are you planning on recording the births?"

Jungkook nodded. "Will you be okay with it?"

He blushed. "I—yes. I look okay, right?"

"Yes, Angel. You look okay and beautiful as ever." 

Jimin smiled and looked at Jungkook. "I'm excited to see them." He scrunched his face a bit.

Jungkook smiled. "I'm excited as well, Angel."

The doctor and the other staff arrived.

"Are you ready?" She smiled and Jimin blushed, spreading his legs as she checked how dilated he was.

"I-I think so." He squeezed his eyes shut. "What do you think, Dr. Kwon?"

She looked up at them. "I think it's time." She turned to Jungkook. "I'm guessing you'll be recording the birth. Does that mean you don't want to cut the umbilical cords?"

Jungkook nodded, excitedly.

"Okay, get ready to see your little bundles of joy." The doctor's tone was soft, calming Jimin as he gripped Jungkook's hand.

He followed the directions, face laden with sweat as he pushed, tears collecting in the corners of his eyes. Jungkook calmed Jimin down, telling him how great he was doing.

Both daughters were born first, the boy last. Jimin's eyes were watery when he was finally handed the two girls, Jungkook handed little Misun.

"Miri, Miyoung." Jimin sniffled and looked up at Jungkook with their son. "Misun..."

Jungkook's tears fell from his eyes. He was so happy to finally see their pups. "Our beautiful pups."

When they were finally left alone, Jimin was super emotional. "I can't believe we have triplets."

Jungkook sniffled. "I can't believe it either. Look how adorable they are."

"Can you give me Misun too?" He asked tiredly.

Jungkook nodded as he carefully gave Misun to Jimin.

"Hi, pups," he whispered quietly to the babies. "We finally get to see you. I'm really nervous about this, but I'll try my best." He was exhausted, bags under his eyes, hair everywhere, but Jungkook couldn't help but take pictures of Jimin with all three of their pups, cooing.

Jungkook cried again, seeing Jimin holding their three pups. Even though the omega looked a mess, Jungkook still found him beautiful.

"Why are you crying, Koo?" Jimin moved over. "Come lie down."

Jungkook sat on the bed. "I can't help it. They're tears of joy. I'm a crybaby." He softly chuckled.

"My crybaby." He pinched Jungkook's cheek and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder. The three pups smelled similar to how Jimin did during pregnancy, just diluted. Jimin was exhausted, but having his pack close kept him together.

Jungkook smiled. "We should take a picture, Angel."

He smiled. "Okay."

Jungkook set up the timer of his camera before heading back to the bed. "Okay, smile."

Jimin smiled in the picture, the babies cute as Jungkook smiled his bunny smile, eyes sparkling in the image.

Yawning, Jimin pouted. "Can you put the babies in their hospital beds and cuddle with me? I'm tired and in pain. I need my omega."

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