Defining Boundaries

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Jungkook rubbed his eyes and blinked, putting the blue-light filtering glasses back on his face that Jimin gifted him. Said omega was sitting comfortably in Jungkook's lap while the younger worked, breathing lightly and cuddling into Jungkook in his sleep.

Jungkook finishes working, shutting down his computer as he immediately cuddles the omega. Jungkook couldn't help but to leave kisses to the older one because he really smells nice. He's now just waiting for Jimin to wake up.

"Mm, Koo, feels nice." Jimin hummed, half asleep, squirming around in Jungkook's lap as he exposed his neck, his scent thickening.

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

Jimin opened his eyes. "You're done working?" He yawned.

Jungkook cupped his cheeks. "Yeah. I've finished. Choose what movie you like, baby."

He smiled softly and turned around in Jungkook's lap to hug him. "Hmm..."

Jungkook chuckled. "Are you still sleepy, my love?"

"Just waking up and wondering what to choose." He scented Jungkook lazily and cuddled into his neck. "I wanna watch something romantic... like The Notebook."

Jungkook giggled. "We can watch that, baby."

He giggled. "Thank you. I'm gonna get changed into something more comfortable." The omega stretched as he got out of Jungkook's lap.

Jungkook nodded as he grabbed the remote and started searching for the movie. The omega couldn't stop smiling because Jimin liked romantic movies.

Jimin returned quickly and hopped into Jungkook's bed, wearing nothing more than one of Jungkook's oversized white tees, Jimin's briefs, and some fuzzy socks. He got comfortable under the covers with Jungkook and leaned into him.

Jungkook pulled him closer and the movie started to play. "I love seeing you in my clothes." He whispered.

"I love being in them," he said back and kissed Jungkook sweetly before looking at the television.

"You look cute and... sexy... and lovely in them." Jungkook whispered, looking at the screen. 

As the movie went by, Jungkook shyly placed his hand on Jimin's bare thigh.

"It's okay," Jimin said breathily. "You can touch anywhere right now." He blushed lightly, thankful the only light was coming from the television.

Jungkook nodded as he continued caressing Jimin's thigh. It was so soft and smooth, that he couldn't stop caressing it.

Jimin squirmed, pausing the television as he looked at him, biting his lip.

"Can I... can I touch you too?"

Jungkook blushed. "Please... You can touch me anywhere."

The older smiled softly and turned off the television altogether and leaned over Jungkook to turn his mood light on. "Can you see me well, Jungkook?" Jimin asked, tone light as he rubbed up and down Jungkook's legs.

"Y-Yes, baby." Jungkook softly moaned.

Jimin smiled and slipped his hands underneath Jungkook's shirt. "Make sure you tell me where feels good and where doesn't, okay?" He ran his fingers along Jungkook's muscles, leaning down to kiss Jungkook's scent gland.

Jungkook's scent sweetened, loving Jimin's warm hands on his body. "More... Please..." He begged.

"More where?" Jimin asked.

"Anywhere. You can touch me anywhere. I won't mind at all." Jungkook whispered.

Jimin nodded and moved a hand lower, lightly pressing against Jungkook before rubbing him through his sweats. "Do you want to stay dressed?"

Jungkook moaned. "Pants off... It's hot."

"Okay. Wait a second." Jimin ran to get a towel, easing it under Jungkook before taking his sweats off, leaving him in his briefs. He positioned Jungkook so his knees were bent and parted, Jimin pressing a loving kiss to his left knee before trailing down to his inner thigh, kissing him while he continued to rub Jungkook.

The younger groaned, head sinking further into his pillow as Jimin stroked him, his body reacting quickly.

"I'd tell you to look at me while I take care of you, but I want you to do whatever is comfortable."

"It feels different... someone else touching me. It feels different being y-you."

Jimin smiled. "I'm glad you're feeling comfortable, baby. You're slicking up and you're also wet with precum. Is it okay if..."

"Y-Yes, take them off. W-Want more." Jungkook covered his face as Jimin did just that, finally wrapping a hand around him, moving slowly as the other moved to his balls. He felt something soft press to the tip and he shivered, knowing that pillowy feeling anywhere by now.

Jimin's lips.

Jungkook's eyes flew open and he sat up a bit, propping himself on his elbows to watch the blond, chewing on his lip to hold back whimpers as Jimin covered him with licks and kisses before finally taking the head into his mouth.

A moan left Jungkook as he gripped the sheets, toes curling as Jimin bobbed his head, making the younger grow hotter as he panted, mumbling Jimin's names with a mess of "please"s and "thank you"s.

The familiar feeling of building pressure tipped Jungkook off and he shyly warned Jimin, only for him to wave him off, picking up the pace to bring him closer before he finally came, eyes squeezing shut as he moaned, falling back into the pillows.

Jimin took care of Jungkook, taking him through his orgasm before giggling.

"How was it?"

"I... thank you..." He sat up a little to look at the older, Jimin's lips red and swollen as he chuckled.

"You're welcome." He ran a finger along the hole that amab omegas have for reproductive purposes, trailing the rest of the way down to Jungkook's ass before running the digit back up, in a teasing motion from balls, to his ass, dipping into the hole that let out slick on every trip up and down.

It was making Jungkook squirm, to have three of his most sensitive erogenous zones teased in such a way had him going crazy. But he was already spent, and Jimin seemed to know that, deciding not to finger either hole, instead scooping up some of Jungkook's slick to taste.

"You taste as sweet as you smell," Jimin said, his eyes glowing red.

Jungkook gulped, eyes changing as well. "R-Really?"

"Do you want to try?"

He nodded shyly, opening his mouth patiently as Jimin scooped up more slick to have Jungkook taste himself. Jungkook wrapped his lips around the digit, sucking slowly with flushed cheeks as he maintained eye contact. His stomach did flips as he gulped, surprised how much he enjoyed his own taste. He wondered how Jimin tasted, but was too shy.

"I'm gonna clean you up and get us new underwear." Jimin kissed Jungkook.

"B-But, you didn't—" Jungkook shifted. "I didn't make you..."

"There's no score card. Making you come was enough. I love you. We have more time and more days. You wanted to go slow. That's fine with me."

Jungkook covered his face and thanked Jimin as the elder laughed and ruffled Jungkook's hair, cleaning them both up and helping Jungkook into some new briefs—forgoing sweats upon Jungkook's request—and moving to lie on top of the tired brunet, listening to his heartbeat.

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