Until She's Mine

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Camilo's Pov

Sleeping at night was hard after my date with (Y/N), replaying every moment in my head as I fell asleep until it became a beautiful dream.

I woke up with full intentions of asking her to be my girlfriend, rehearsing in the mirror

"Hey (Y/N), what's up..? Still thinking about our kiss.."

Then I tried more romantic, "Your lips are as sweet as honey, mi amor"

Then I tried just blurting it out, breathing in, "(Y/N), do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

But no matter what I did, I couldn't be 100% of what would work. Hopelessly sighing as I buried my eyes in my hands, a voice startled me.

"So when's it gonna be Romeo?" I looked to see Dolores standing at the doorway, her head was doing that head tilt when she hears stuff.

"When's what gonna be?" I ask avoiding facing my sister, "When are you gonna stop hopelessly dreaming about (Y/N) and finally ask her to be yours?" She asks

I shrugged, "I don't know until she's mine I guess. "

"You better make your moves soon Camilo," She started before tilting her head and looking into the farthest corner, "A lot of guys in town think the same way you do about her, but obviously not the same connection. "

I sighed, Dolores was right. (Y/N) is beautiful, I'm not the only one who sees that. I was lucky to land 2 amazing nights with her, so if I'm gonna ask her it needs to be done right.


I talked to both Mirabel and Dolores, they said the best thing for me to do was be sincere and kind to her, 'but be especially careful with her father's approval.'

I knew her papa was a cop, so maybe the best way to win her over is through his approval.

I found myself in town talking to the girls she's always with when she's not with the girls in my family, (F1) and (F2). I talked to them in a friendly approach hoping to get them to spill whatever they can about (Y/N), obviously nothing bad, why would I ever wanna hurt that angel?

"(Y/N) doesn't always talk about you, but when she does she's really happy to do so.." (F1) tells me

"You can tell by the way her eyes light up." (F2) added, "if you're planning on asking her to be official, I'd say go for it."

"Thanks you two, I owe you one." I grinned before heading off, they waved me goodbye.


It all came down to her Papa's approval, I knew that was the deal and I knew it wouldn't be easy to date someone who's Papa works in the police force, but (Y/N) was worth every sacrifice.

Knocking on her door hoping she would answer

But alas, I was wrong

"Hola Muchacho." (Y/N)'s papa greeted, "Hola señor." He motioned for me to come inside, "You can call me (D/N), what's with the box?"

"Just a little something for your daughter, but I wanted to talk to you first.." I said

He walked over to the over side and patted the couch signaling me to sit

Pieces of what looks like a rifle spread across on a cloth over the coffee table, (D/N) got on his knees to be level with everything on the table and picked up a cloth, he must've been cleaning his weapons.

"So tell me Camilo, what'd you wanna talk about?" Shit this isn't gonna be easy

I gulped hoping he didn't hear it, "Well Señor (D/N), I just wanna make it clear that I have full respect for you aand.. talk to you before asking (Y/N) to be my girlfriend.. see if it's okay with you.."

"You know mijo I can tell you mean a lot to (Y/N) and you've brightened up her life compared to when she first got here. But tell me, how can I be sure you won't break my daughters heart?"

"I would never Señor (L/N), or.. (D/N), I care so much about her and that being I help out everyone in town for a living, my intentions have always been pure since before meeting (Y/N)" I was nervously fidgeting with the
(F/c) ribbon wrapped around the box in my lap.

(D/N) removed his focus from the piece he was cleaning and made eye contact with me, his (E/c) eyes burning through me. I couldn't tell if he was calm or ready to kill me

That's when his blank yet terrifying poker face changed into a smile letting out laugh. "Me caes bien mijo." (I like you son)

"Okay Camilo, you have my approval if, you take good care of (Y/N), keep her safe, and.. use protection.."

I had no clue how to respond to that last part so all that came out was a nervous laugh and "Of course!"

Next thing I know I hear footsteps lurking and (Y/N) is walking through those beaded curtains. "Papa I'm running low on conditioner.." she was looking down at her nails until she looked up and at us

"Camilo!" She yelped happily as she ran up to me with her arms out, I set the box down and hug her back "What brings you here? What's in the box?" She sat down next to me

"Open it and you'll get both answers." I say sliding it closer to her side, she takes it in her lap and pulls the ribbon, taking off the lid that revealed

" I say sliding it closer to her side, she takes it in her lap and pulls the ribbon, taking off the lid that revealed

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(A/N: This but your favorite color if that's not already it)

(Y/N)'s jaw dropped as she looked up at me, then her papa, then at me again, "Oh Camilo, of course I will!" She exclaimed kissing my cheek. "Way to get creative by the way" she said taking a chocolate covered strawberry

"I know you love chocolate and (F/c) so I thought, 'what better way then to put the 2 together."

(Y/N) rested her head on my shoulder as I held her hand, "you're too sweet Cami, you know me so well."

Taking in the feeling of this moment, I hummed and kissed her on the forehead.

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