The Switch

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"A baby! Bey are you pregnant!?...that's fucked up because I'm suppose to be your best friend and I'm just finding out you pregnant!" You said a bit too loud, drawing attention from others.

"Would you shut up. I'm not pregnant...yet"

"I'm getting a sperm donor. I'm getting older and I don't want to wait for the right person anymore, I can raise a baby by myself" Beyoncé said taking a sip of her mamosa.

"Don't talk like you're actually gonna be alone. You know I'll support in anyway I can" you said.

"I know. What I'm really worried about is you spoiling my child rotten" Bey said with a small grin on her face.

"Oh course! I'm gonna be the best damn auntie

"But if this really something you want to go through with then I'm with you" you said reaching across the table to grab Bey's hand.

"You're my best friend and I'll stand behind anything that makes you happy"

Beyoncé gave you a smile before squeezing your hand.

"You know you'll be the one doing my cravings run" Beyoncé said with an evil grin.

"Yeah, yeah I know" you mumbled.


"Why in the hell are you throwing a party anyways? Sound dumb to me" you said following Bey around the store.

"I should've left you home" Beyoncé said.

"How bout you be useful and grab those plastic cups up there"

"Do it look like I work here?" You said earning a pinch in your side from Bey.

"Ouchhhhh! Ok I'm getting it" you whined.

You rubbed the aching spot as you reached up to grad the cups. You tossed them in the basket before you and Beyoncé continued shopping.

"Question. So what if this don't work? What then?" You asked.

"I'll try again. It's the same as anybody else trying to make a baby but the only difference with me is I have the sperm but no man. I want this to work so I asked Kelly to help me" she said.

"Why you ain't ask me?" You asked a little jealous she asked Kelly big head ass.

"Y/N I don't want you looking at my pussy"

"Like I never seen one before" you said rolling your eyes.

" I didn't say that, I just don't want your face near mines" Beyoncé said.

Putting a few mores things in her basket before she decided to head to check out.

"Whatever" you mumbled.


"I'm so excited for you Bey! And it's amazing you're doing it by yourself" Carol said.

"Yeah. But I won't actually be doing it alone, i have my family and my overprotective best friend over there" Bey said pointing at you over by the food table.

You stood in front of the table looking to see if you wanted anything, you're a picky eater and most of the stuff don't look appeasing.

"Who the fuck put sandwich cheese on top of macaroni" you said to yourself.

"Hell naw"

You settled for some chips and dip before You took a seat at the island.

"Why you sitting up here like you security of the party?" Bey asked taking a chip off your plate.

Beyoncé imagines(Vol.2)Where stories live. Discover now