Leave Your Lover

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"What the fuck man, I personally made the orders myself so I know for a fact that I didn't fuck up. I'm paying you so get the shit I paid for!" You snapped.

"Beyoncé remind me not to do business with them again" you said giving her your phone.

"Yes ma'am" she said taking your phone before writing down in her notebook.

"Your break is in 5 minutes" Beyoncé informed you.

"I'm not taking a damn break until my set is complete, it's not even halfway done" you said.

You're a producer and director, you were trying to fix up a set for a music video and it had to be prefect, you were a perfectionist.

"Nobody is having lunch until the set is done!" Beyoncé shouted out so everyone could hear her.

You walked away to tend to something else more important, letting Bey handle the stage area.

"No lunch!? You want us to work like slaves while we're starving?" One person said.

"Everyone wants a job with
Y/F/N but can't handle the work. We only except superior and nothing less. You applied for this position, you asked to be here. If anything you need Y/N and you all know it, so it's either get it done or get the fuck out" Beyoncé spoke.

You grinned at Beyoncé's hard on speech. She won't admit it but she adapted a few things from you ,from all the time she's around you. Both at work and in the privacy of your mansion or her apartment.


"You know that little get yo shit together speech sounded real familiar back there" you said speaking on the phone as you drove home.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know where I got it from" Beyoncé said.

"Always tryna be like daddy" you grinned.

"Whateva Y/N" Bey laughed.

Beyoncé ended up doing a u-turn driving to your house. You and Bey have been messing around for 6 months now, keeping things on the low but Bey was slowly falling in love with you and she didn't know if you felt the same way.

"Call me back when you get home baby girl" you said.


Beyoncé didn't tell you she was on her way to your house. Even though she was around you most of the day she wasn't able to get the attention she wanted from you because of work and now she was in need of your attention.

Pulling up to your big mansion, you punched your code in before the gates opened for you as you drove up your driveway.

"What do she want" you say to yourself seeing the red BMW you brought in your driveway.

You pulled up behind your
Range Rover, turning the car off before you got out.

"So you can't text me back
Y/N?" Abbie, your wife asked as she approached you.

"I've been busy, what do you want?" You asked with a nonchalant face.

"Well your baby wanted to see you and plus I need money" she said.

"What do you need money for?" You asked stuffing your hands in your pockets.

"I wanna get Gabby a chain and bracelet..... the chain is seven thousand and the bracelet is four thousand " she said.

You laughed at that, you really got yourself stuck with a gold digger. You don't regret your daughter, you just wished you would've had her with someone else.....like Beyoncé.

"She's only three she don't need all that shit Abby"

You opened the back door to open find it empty.

"You say my daughter wanted to see me but then don't bring her. You just want to buy yourself a whole bunch of shit"

"We're still married, remember that" she said.

You rolled your eyes before walking away towards the front door. You didn't notice the car at the gate. You only then realized it was Beyoncé when her car pulled up.

"Shit" you said.

There was no hiding now. You've been trying to keep your marriage from Bey, wanting to tell her bout Abby and your daughter once the divorce was final. You made your way over to Bey and Abby was right behind. Beyoncé frowned up her face when she seen the woman behind you.

" I'll send you the money, just leave" you said to Abby.

"Must be your little girlfriend, let's go meet her" Abby said with a smile.

Beyoncé stepped out her car when you and the other woman started approaching her.

"Wassup" Bey asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hiii, I'm Abby, Y/N's wife" Abby greeted as she pushed you out the way, making sure she emphasize the word wife.

"Don't make it sound like we're together Abby" you said.

"Your wife? Y/N you said you was single" Beyoncé said crossing her arms.

"Did she also tell you she has a three year old daughter, our child" Abby threw in there.

"Abby shut up! Why are you still here!" You snapped at her.

"To get my moneyyyy" she said.

"I'll send it to you, bye!" You said before turning your attention back to Bey.

"Can we go inside and talk please?" You asked Beyoncé.

"No because this conversation is gonna be real simple" she said.

"Me and you. We're done, you can continue to be a family" Beyoncé said getting back in her car.

"Wait Bey, let me explain" you said knocking on her window.

Beyoncé ignored you before pulling off. She finally let her tears fall as she zoomed down the street.


A/N: yes there will be a part 2

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