Adjusting to change and planning

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Australlia pov

We were all called to London so when we entered we began to talk about this new reality.

British Empire: I am sure you know what this meeting is about?

British Raj: Yeah what will we do?

British Empire: We will send more naval forces and infantry Canada and South Africa due to them being near an unknown continet. We also are sending up satelites to help us find out about this new world.

Australlia: Then what?

British Empire: We may colonize more lands if we can but we are in one problem though.... Our fields have taken heavy damage meaning we can't sustain food so we have made rationing mandatory.

New Zealand: We have to find somewhere to get food from until we can completely get our food production back online.

British Empire: I know which is why we are sending 2 planes from the Royal air force to check it out with us also sending an entire fleet to provide some diplomacy for the natives.

British Raj: Aint that too much?

British Empire: British Raj for all I know they could have nukes 2 times to radiation of Tsar Bomba I will not risk anything until I know what I am dealing with okay?

Canada: Got it sir! Should I go with them as a sign of peace?

British Empire: Canada I told you all to call me father and yes you can but that means I send another fleet.

Canada: Okay pops!

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