Lourian-Qua Toyne war begins and British intervention

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Louria pov

I smiled as we prepared to fight the enemy after all it is our destiny to reunite this continet. The enemy has support from the British Empire who was shocked at wyverns and asked to buy some which we denied of course. We began to push towards Gim to take down the fortress that could become a problem if left alone.

9th Sudanese infantry battalion commander pov

We were guarding Gim which the owner told us that the enemy will probably target the town first. We then saw enemy wyverns and a huge army so I called for back up and had my men prepare to fire with the Qua-Toyne hiding in houses for ambushes in case they manage to reach Gim. I smiled as we saw fighters began to provide us air support which after 2 hours of their aid they left but combined the both of us killed half of the entire army. They then stopped and began to build a camp so we decided to leave them alone to allow for us to bring more reinforcements and to be able to know their troops movements which is key to victory in war.

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