Qua-Toyne is found

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South African 4th scout plane squad commander pov

We were following the 3rd Australlian fleet and 5th Canadian fleet to the unknown land mass when I saw..... IS THAT A BLOODY DRAGON!? I quickly reogranized myself and told the fleet what I saw and they confirmed it so I was told to do reconisance over the entire continet to give us an idea about what we are dealing with.

Dragon Rider 3 pov

I saw this island which I have never seen before and moved towards it I then saw this metal wyvern and... A METAL SHIP!? I quickly fell back to report of this infomation of the ship approaching our coast.

* They find out about Louria, Quill, and Qua-Toyne *

3rd Australlian fleet commander pov

We approached the first unknown country and landed at their port they then looked at us with shock? We then began to communicate with them luckily for us they spoke English we managed to have them secure us food in exchange we would send modernization support... Welp this new world was pretty eventful for the 1st day here! I also smiled as I introduced Canada to them as I called him the prince of the British Empire and explained how he holds some actual land in the empire but takes direct order from his dad which their foreign minister thought was interested then Canada told me they had to go so they left with their fleet.

* Imperial meeting is called *

Canada is on his phone

Canada: I found another nation

British Empire: GREAT! What is their food production?

Canada: High enough to feed an empire twice our size and they will send what we need in exchange would modernize them.

British Empire: Only to WW1 technology understand?

Canada: Yes pops!

New Zealand: Did you find any cool animals bro!

Canada: A Dragon called a Wyvern?


British Empire: No

Australla: PLEASE!

British Empire: You take care of it on your own any damage it taken out of your economy understand?

Australlia: Got it pops!

British Empire: Also ask them if we could buy their wyverns maybe we could incorperate our tech onto them

Canada: I sent the idea to the 3rd Australlian fleet commander he should give us an answer

British Raj: With these Wyverns they will be used for evil

British Empire: Then we shall make laws to counter them and tell the public of our current knowledge of the unknown landmass. I CALL THIS MEETING TO A CLOSE!

* End of Imperial meeting *

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