Taking down the Lourians part 2

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5th Australlian paratrooper battalion commander pov

I smiled as we landed and began to fire at the enemy while throwing grenades at the enemy which helped us cause huge chaos in the enemy ranks. I began to have my men slowly approach the castle that clearly held the Lourian king known as Hark Louria.

4th British paratrooper battalion commander pov

I smiled as we dropped and began to charge towards the castle while firing at the enemy armies which were small... This is an easy war!

3rd British air force squad commander pov

Fighting these wyvern are easy with us taking some of them for unknown reasons but we figure that the planned British wyvern force as an actual thing that is happening? I smiled as we captured a 5th one for the wyvern force! Time to show this new world that they just made the British Empire so much stronger!

Hark Louria pov

I was in my castle when my wyvern force reported that the metal wyverns were DROPPING PEOPLE?! I quickly had my wyvern force combat them with no success with half of my remaining Wyvern force being captured and the rest falling back to their base. My armies began to fight them off but I know it won't work so I decided to have my men order a surrender.

9th Canadian paratrooper battalion commander pov

I smiled as me along with 5 other battalions approach the castle to see the king asking for mercy? So we just arrested him then his armies stared at us in shock so we walked him to Quilla where we would have the terms signed.

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