UN meets the new world

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France pov

The entire UN planned on going through the newly excavated portal that I covered up by saying ancient artifacts of our past are being examined in the newly excavated tunnel to the portal to prevent the media being on my ass for this too much. I smiled as we went through and saw we were in London... Looks a little more futurey than when I last saw them but at the same time it has been a good while since I have seen it so it makes sense.

British Empire pov

I smiled as Dual Egyptian monarchy decided to bring them in which made me think... how will they react to the 2 crowned Egyptian.

Dual Egyptian Monarchy pov

I am walking towards them with my 2 crowns on my head as always. (Essentially Kingdom of Egypt with 2 crowns on her head.) They looked at me in shock and I smiled.

DEM: Hello Everyone welcome to LONDON!

France: W-who are you?

DEM: I am the Dual Egyptian monarchy see the crowns on my head? *points at the crowns*

Germany: Well then bring us to your siblings?

DEM: We are actually gonna show you the weapon we call the Chimera

China: Chimera?

DEM: A flying ship which means superiority in the air is so much easier for us especially since we are one of the leaders of the UC.


DEM: United Civillizations

France: oh makes sense

Russia: Any other weapons you want to show us?

DEM: I would love to show you but the British Empire would no let us

China: Why?

DEM: Well it kind of... no Ill get grounded for saying that

USA: I am assuming your my sibling right?

DEM: Yeah you the USA? Canada talks about you so much it can get annoying he spends hours talking about how great you are

USA: Really?

DEM: Yep and British Reunion idolizes you

USA: Really?

DEM: Yep but you have to go as we close the portal every night to conserve power so you can talk to us later okay?

China: Yep I guess we have to go but I want to know

DEM: About what?

China:... Is Hong Kong okay?

DEM: He is one of the British council members of the federation and is the closet Asian colony to the British Empire when it comes to loyalty and on top of that isn't near any enemy nations so you don't have to worry about them

China: Thank you for telling me

* they all go to the portal and the old world nations go back waiting for the next day to meet other nations the British have created in this new world to meet*

??? pov

The HME and MU are weak and think that the British are safe? Well they really thought about them being the only nations hidden from this world? Heh I did not lie when I said and I quote "THE REICH SHALL LAST FOR 1000 YEARS! " (Welp they are back and with... special tech how will they use it against the British Empire?!)

British Empire meets a new frontierWhere stories live. Discover now