The rising tensions between Altarus and the British Empire

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Taara the 14th pov

We hate the Parpaldians and therefore hated the British due to their relations with them. We also had secretly gained support from the HME which helped us prepare for an attack on Parpaldia with the Gra Valkas Empire also giving us some tech to help us combat the Parpaldians who are technicalogically weaker than us. We also moved some of our airplane force that looked like British air force planes to spy on the Parpaldians which has no been exposed due to the Parpaldians thinking that the pilots are from the British doing an air force exercise over their air space.

British Empire pov

With the expansion of our wyvern core, economy, army, and adjusting the new colonies to our laws we began to focus on trying to make these Ravernal ships we heard the HME call them. We knew that the HME and Gra Valkas were economically aiding someone and gave some tech to an unknown country and we have had our spy agency focusing on finding who got the tech. We have been making a small wyvern carrier core which is an add on to the British naval core to help us grow stronger in power and force. Meanwhile my family has been also growing in economic power and military power thanks to many new advancements that I have shared to them. The new economic power was spent on new projects or for our spy agency which is very overextended with about 75% of our spies lost to our home world as they were spying on others for us so we quickly reformed them and gained some beast spies which have quickly been helping us gain knowledge making us officially name them Animan which is now being used in the other memebers of our alliance when they talk about the animal like people of their nation. I hope this era of peace lasts forever unlike in our world where the tension between the US and China was basically the cold war 2.0.

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