Fenn joins the alliance part 2

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7th British royal fleet commander pov

We were ordered to show Fenn a highly liked nation in our nation actually because many want to travel there but aren't due to our government be cautious about this new world due to the fact that there are no international treaties securing safety to any country they want to travel too. I smiled as we arrived and Prince New Zealand told us what we were doing. So we began to move towards the target while Prince New Zealand said that their was a good chance of us gaining much pr if we do this right so I had my men prepare everything the best they could. I was told about the ships so I had my men aim at them then after a couple minutes of getting it right I had them fire. This caused the ships to explode which when we looked at the reactions from our ship they looked like we were gods which I knew we weren't. I then got a message from Prince New Zealand saying Fenn officially is joining the Continetal protectors because of our presentation which made me smile as I liked how Fenn was and it looks pretty ancient and respectful. I then got notified that we see 50 bogeys coming our way!? I quickly had my men prepare the anti air defenses as I warned the Prince of the coming attack and told him to warn the others about this as I had my fleet prepare to fight the unknown air force.

1st Wyvern overlord rider pov

Me and 50 other wyvern overlords were sent by the great Parpaldia Empire to punish Fenn for not accepting deals about land they don't even use in the first place! So when we were asked to fight them I accepted instantly. I smiled as with the 22 ship overseer fleet we moved to punish Fenn in front of the others in their festival to show them the punishment for denying Parpaldian offers! We arrived to the island and I saw a huge island?! I told them to focus on that then we attack Fenn.

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