The kickstart of the influence wars and NAPOLEON?!

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Napoleon pov

My grand Empire is beating the entirety of Eroupe when a blinding light blinds my eyes. I then look and see the colonies closer to the mainland. And I saw... IS THAT CANADA?! I had my navy meet up with them and found about the situation so we decided to join their alliance for now as with their tech advantage they would crush us destroying everything I have built for so long to achieve. In exchange they helped me gain tech levels while I focused on removing the anti British propaganda and admitted to the people that at our current power we would lose to the British so instead of fighting them we shall be their friend to prevent us dying because of stupidity from our side. I focused on getting us a stronger transport fleet and navy as our army is pretty strong and we are already equipping them pretty easily with the weapons we are given by the British Empire... Never thought I would say that before in my life but first time for everything I suppose.

British Empire pov

When we heard about Napoleon we were shocked but quickly focused on improving relations as even the smarts of Napoleon regard him as a military genius as he managed to win 4 wars before he made the mistake of invading Russia. So we began to have armies train the Napoleon army and I had a conversation explaining how his tactics literally shaped all of warfare which made him smile knowing even dead he has an impact on the world. I also explained to him the equipment we gave him including WW1 tanks which I had my tank commanders train them with as this is literally a new type of warfare for them which I knew if they discover on their own could cause them problems which their public would blame it on us.

Milishial 8th pov

We heard about another transferred nation joining forces with the British. If I could get them to go against the British they would be not only a valuable ally but a threat to the British hegemony over the entire 3rd civilization itself. I also used my influence to get Topa and Paganda and more. I formed the anti British coalition against the British Empire of course this caused Mu to announce their neutrality in what we all call..... The HME-British cold war

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