Taking down the Lourians part 1

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1st Falkland infantry battalion commander pov

I smiled as we began to advance towards the Lourian towns with one goal... Distracting the Lourians armies while our naval force focused on crippling the enemy's naval force with us sending a paradrop onto their capital of Jin-Hark. I smiled as we saw around 100,000 newly trained soldiers coming towards us. I smiled as we began to fire at them with us calling in more backup to help us out as we saw more wyverns.

5th Tanzanian infantry battalion commander pov

I smiled as we arrived and began to fire at the enemy soldiers. I also had some of my men begin to focus on sniping the ones on the horses to slow their advance down as much as we can. This had slightly slowed them down which helped us borrow more time for our paratroopers. I also called for some tank support to help draw their attention even more.

4th Paratrooper British commander pov

I smiled as we saw Jin-Hark it's time to show the world the power of the Royal British air force. I also smiled as I heard rumors of the Brass that the government planned on making a Wyvern core of our own which intrugied me. If it is true well if we go back to the our old war well they will be in shock about it! I smirked as we were told the paradrop now so we quickly ran out of the plane.

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