Fenn joins the alliance part 1

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New Zealand pov

I travelled to Fenn as father desired to ally them due to them having lumber and showing ancient codes that remided father of the old days of Medevial Eroupe which heavily encouraged an alliance with them. When we arrived they were happy to see us so we showed them some of our stuff from our kingdom. 

Like an replica of an English sword that Edward the 3rd had, a English flag on a crusader shield, and other things. This impressed the Fennese I then explained who I was and asked them if they had any questions about our offer of being their ally. They asked why and I explained that my father likes the old code and that Fenn reminds him of the old days. This made them smile then he asked us if we would sign a defense treaty. I said " If you ally us we will defend you that is a British promise! " Then Shinhan then asked us if we could show our naval power at their festival?! We said we would get our nearest fleet on it under the condition that we were allowed to stay here for the night which they agreed. So I had my escort tell my father which he approved of it and told me to be careful out there and I smiled and said "Pops I ain't going down you gave me the best hand to hand combat there is it would take a wyvern overlord to take me down. Even then I would give em a good fight and combined with my immortality I won't go down ever I promise pops." Dad replied saying " Okay but be careful just because you are immortal doesn't mean you can't feel pain understood son? " I replied with " I know pa I am being careful plus if they even tried to attack us our ships would crush them! " Dad then said " Good point but still be careful son! " I said " I gotcha pops I will be cautious! " Dad then sighed in relief and said " Okay. "

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