Parpaldian negotiations

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British Empire pov

I knew Parpaldia was the major power here by their standards so I decided to send my son New Zealand with the goal of getting Parpaldia into the alliance before they decide to attack on of my members and I start a war with them when I could focus on further colonial economic boosting. I also had my men focused on capturing more and more wyverns for the British wyvern corps. I hope my negotiations work well or I might have to prepare for another war already...

New Zealand pov

I was with my escort fleet (20 aircraft carriers, 3 battleships, and 4 destroyers) and we finally got to the main port city of them and after I got through an entire battalion followed me to meet with the 1st Foreign department as they thought my father was really important. I entered the room and told my guards to not fight anyone as this is still a possibly country that could become our enemy and turn on us in a day. They understood and I entered the room and saw Ludius and Remille who my father told me about after having a covnersation about what would happen with the negotiations. 

Ludius: Ah New Zealand you are the diplomat?

New Zealand: I assume my father told you

Remille: Yes your father told us about you

New Zealand: You must know what we want King Ludius?

Ludius: Yes an entrance into your alliance am I correct?

New Zealand: Yes that is what we are talking about

Remille: Well after some talking with our cabinet we have some conditions

New Zealand: Show me them and I can see if they are acceptable or not

* passes the Parpaldia entrance *

Parpaldia entrance conditions

- Resources from Lauria if asked for

- Help in modernization

- Defense pact

- Transfer of some ships to the Parpaldian navy

- Aid against any nation that attack Parpaldia

New Zealand: Hmm I might change this a little bit but it should work

* edits it and passes it back to them *

Parpaldia entrance conditions

- Resources from Lauria if asked for

- Help in modernization 

- Defense pact

- Transfer of a ship to the Parpaldian navy

- Aid against any nation that attack Parpaldia (with sufficent evidence)

British conditions

- Modernization depends on how the Tech restirction act works

- Resources from Lauria can be given during war time

- Trade from both sides cost less

- Slavery is abolished slowly

- Sends garrisons to protect other members aside from British Empire

Ludius: Hmm I can try my best with everything but I can't give much promise about the slavery part

New Zealand: Okay but my dad expects some sort of progress in a year from what he told me

Remille: We will do what we can

New Zealand: That means you accept?

Ludius: Yes I accept this deal and I shall begin to move troops to the other members

New Zealand: Welcome to the alliance my friend

Ludius: Thank you for giving us an oprotunity

* Both shake hands with New Zealand leaving for his capital while Ludius and Remille begin to implement the treaty into their nation *

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