The world council

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Ludisus pov

I sent a request to the HME to let the British Empire have a seat in the council as they have already improved my country beyond my imagination with our nation giving them magic in return. The alliance was recived at first with dislike from my people but after a while they loved it more and more. So I began to slowly ban slavery with the first thing being slaves being banned from being abused with me treating my servents with respect and Remille doing the same. We also did wyvern trades with the other members aside mostly to the British and Fenn who had the smallest wyvern forces which gained us more respect from Fenn and the other members who were weary of me when I joined the alliance. My people love this alliance as our naval force increased in strength and size.

Milishial the 8th pov

I was asked by Parpaldia to add the British Empire to the council meetings permantly? Hmm if Parpaldia is asking for it they must think no they must know the British are strong... I told them I accepted their request and began to have the builders expand the table for the British Empire's seat. I hope I won't regret this action in any shape or form because I know that they could possibly attack my empire from the inside quite literally so when the meeting occured I sent the 0th fleet to protect the meeting in case they decide to pull a little declaration on me in my own meeting room.

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