What has been happening with them gone

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US pov

It's been 5 years and the entire British Empire has still not been found... This has crippled the world economy for 3 years hitting many hard as the British Empire was an economic dependency to many nations. Meaning that without them another world depression nearly happened but thanks to the actions of China and me we decided that we should work together ending our little cold war. Now world peace has been achieved as when Russia invaded Ukraine we told them to back down or all of my allies and all of China's allies will declare on Russia forcing Russia to back down and give minor war reparations to Ukraine alongside ceding their border strip with Ukraine to Ukraine causing world tension to quickly die down. Then after the British went missing we had Germany take their place and Russia was forced to be removed from the security council due to Ukraine expressing concerns of Russia using it to attack them again. With the world at peace the security council which I am in announced a mission to try and find what happened to the entire British Empire as many worry that this is a planned invasion of aliens.

Multiversial France: Wow the British being gone has really caused the world to peace?

Author: I doubt this would really happen but yes

Me: Yeah this isn't something I would believe happen at all

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